Homeschool Resource: Comic Math: Calvin & Hobbes

Charlie has always enjoyed comics just as David does. This morning I would like to share a new website I found with you. Which allows Charlie to study comics while learning math. I might even be able to get David to do this math with Charlie. Which would allow me to take a much-needed break? If you’re vo not into Calvin & Hobbs there are other comics on here your students can learn from.
 Image result for picture of Calvin and Hobbes
Age Range: 8 and up (Grades 3 and up approximately, with parental preview and supervision)
This ad-supported website provides links to Calvin & Hobbes comic strips that mention math.
The idea is to make math more fun by providing math-related comics that engage students. This website is on a mission to create a complete directory of all math-related Calvin & Hobbes cartoons.

When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu of links to C&H comics from 1985 to 1995. If you click on any of the links to comics, you’ll be taken to another site where the comic strips are archived. That site has random ads. Therefore, parents, as always, should preview the sites and supervise Internet use. You may want to just print out some of the comic strips to share with your kids.

But there’s more to this site than meets the eye.

You’ll also find math-related comic strips from FoxTrot and Peanuts. Click here for the direct link. Careful! If you scroll up or down the page, you’ll find comics that are for more mature audiences and math majors. Some contain adult humor or language.

As you investigate the rest of this site, you’ll find blog posts by the site owner, who also happens to be a math tutor and author of some of the webcomics. You can purchase comic books and cartoon guides at this site that teach math and other subjects including Physics, Chemistry, and Molecular Biology. You’ll also find a page that features videos of Vi Hart and her amazing math doodles, drawings, and songs.

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