Homeschool Resource Quiet Grove

There are times I am on Facebook or browsing on Google when I see a link to a website that I think I would like to check out then.I send it to myself. I move on to my day and forget to check out the website until my email becomes so full I don’t know what I should keep or what is trash.

Which is what happened this morning, so I took the time to start emptying out my emails. When I came across a link that led me to Quiet Grove, and I am happy I took the time to visit the website and not just store the link in a folder or worse yet just send the email to the trash folder. Because I visited her site this morning, I found several printables I could print out for our classroom.

Including items for a Reading Challenge as I had wanted to set one up for Charlie. Know we have the resources to do that and the neat thing about her challenge is it includes pages for adults as well. So I hope you take the time to check out the Free Printables she has for us. As well as the beautiful articles she has written.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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