Homeschool Resource the Critical Thinking Co.

Hello, and how are you today?
 I had been looking for a Language Arts book for Charlie. As I forget to pick one up the other day. So as I got ready to work on the blog this morning I opened a email and low and behold there was a link to Critical Thinking Co. and it had exactly what I needed inside the email.
Homeschool Buyers Co-op
So once again I know Homeschooling is God’s will because whatever our needs are he finds a way to help me by showing me the sites I should use. And without God I would be lost. So I thought you might want to check out Critical Thinking as well. As there is also mathematics books on there. And so much more that I will be on the site for a while just checking it all out. And I hope you take the time to check out Critical Thinking Co. as I think you will enjoy it just as much as I did.
 Language Smarts™ Level C                                             Building Thinking Skills® Level 1 - Instruction/Answer Guide - eBook    Mathematical Reasoning™ Grades 2-4 Supplement
The Critical Thinking Co. has won over 100 awwards, and is recommended by The Well Trained Mind, Practical Homeschooling,, and used by home educators around the globe. This 54-year-old publisher offers hundreds of educational products and core curriculum materials for all ages (Grade PreK-12+). By placing an order through the Co-op you get: a low price guarantee, FREE Shipping on orders over $50, and 10 Bonus SmartPoints for every dollar spent.
I hope you enjoy the Homeschool Resource the Critical Thinking Co. And if you have used Critical Thinking Co. in the past Please let me know. And if you haven’t used it in the past but would like to let me know why.
And also Please share with me what you use for Language Arts in your classroom. And what grade you teach. As Charlie is in 2nd grade and I am still trying to decide what to use. And what I should teach Charlie as I am at a loss to what he needs to learn and not learn.
Cates Family

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