Homeschool Resources Magazines and Newspapers

Charlie and I have been preparing for our new School year. We were walking through Walmart looking for items for “Back to School” yesterday. David asked me what types of items we would need for school. I would like to mention a new Homeschool Resources Magazines and Newspapers. So if you have them don’t throw them away.

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David looked at me and shook his head and asked why would you need newspapers and magazines. I explained to David that  we could use these in papers to create arts and crafts. Also, we would need these items to put down when we are painting.

The magazines would be used to make collages for school. Or we could use the pictures and practice our art skills. If there were recipes in the magazines, we could use them for cooking class, math, and reading.

Sometimes you might find a article in the magazine which could help you complete your lessons for the week. Or you might  find a really great story in the magazine and be able to conduct a book report with them.

Since the stories in magazines and newspapers are usually pretty short, they are a great way to get some quick reading in and move on to another subject. Now, I would like to ask you a question if you’re close to me and have some old magazines and newspapers save them for Charlie and me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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