Homeschool Resources: Science & Volcanos

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to bring you our Homeschool Resources: Science & Volacanos. Please take a look at these homeschool resources and let me know if you’ve used these resources with your students or not. As for Charlie he can’t wait to check out Oregon State University: Volano World.

Homeschooling Resources

Science Sidekicks & Science Starters

Science Sidekicks for Elementary Grades 3-5

Award-winning publisher, Scientific Minds, provides web-based programs, Science Sidekicks and Science Starters, for teaching and learning Science in any setting, providing hundreds of lessons that help students master important Science objectives, interactive vocabulary flashcards, and online quizzes.

Oregon State University: Volcano World

Oregon State University

Lessons are geared for grades 5-8; however, there is material here for older students and adults as well. Plus, younger children may enjoy aspects of the site, with adult guidance.

Today’s website is all about Volcanoes.

When you get to the site, some of the things you’ll see are the latest Volcano news and Eruptions! The rest of the site includes:

  • Volcano List
  • All About Volcanoes
  • Adventures and Fun including field trips, folklore and parks
  • Teachers – Get FREE lessons (geared for grades 5-8) on plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, prehistoric Earth, types of volcanoes, and much, much more

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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