Homeschool Resources The Great Depression

This week Charlie and I will be discussing The Great Depression and how my grandparents lived through it. Then I will have Charlie visiting David’s parents and seeing if they will talk to Charlie about the Great Depression and the things their family faced. Once we finish talking to them, Charlie will be checking out an article called The New Deal and writing our 3 Facts he learned from Kids Discover.

The New Deal
By the election of 1932, many had lost hope that President Hoover could get the country out of the Depression.

If we have time this week I would like to visit the Library and check out some of the books I found below for Charlie to read so he can learn even more about The Great Depression.

Born and Bred in the Great Depression [Book]

What Was the Great Depression? [Book]

The Great Depression [Book]

Life During the Great Depression [Book]


Great Depression movies you can watch with the whole family 

Seabiscuit- This is an excellent movie because it happened, and Seabiscuit did give hope to everyone at that time.

Films Movies Based on the Great Depression

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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