Homeschool Resources Titanic

Here are some new homeschool Resources from Kids Discover I would like to share with you including resources on the Titanic which I want to check out as well as sharing it with Charlie.

Here is our weekly digest of free topics. Check them out now before they expire by the end of the week. In addition to these, up to 20% of our library is free on any given day. Simply log in to enjoy.

The Sinking of the Titanic
As the Titanic’s forward compartments flooded, wireless operators Jack Phillips and Harold Bride frantically signaled other ships.

Microbiomes and the Future of Science

Microbiomes and the Future of Science
You probably don’t think of yourself as a habitat. But to bacteria you are. Scientists call the community of bacteria and other micro-organisms that live in a person a microbiome.

How the Heart Works

How the Heart Works
Your heart is a pump, and it’s a lot like the pumps that people manufacture.

Famous Earthquakes

Famous Earthquakes
Earth has gone through some amazing rumblings and shakings over the years. Here are accounts of some of our planet’s most famous earthquakes.

Declaring Independence

Declaring Independence
In the summer of 1776, delegates to the Second Continental Congress gave Thomas Jefferson the job of telling the world why the American colonies wanted to break free from Britain.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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