Homeschooling Resources Goodreads

I would like to share another website called Goodreads as a Homeschooling Resource. Goodreads offers thousands of books that you can read for free.

You can meet other readers on Goodreads as well as write reviews on the books you read. On  Goodreads, you can talk to authors and ask questions. They offer groups you can join featuring different subjects. I have been using Goodreads for years, and I like that they have books from my favorite authors including Danielle Steele, or I can pick out cookbooks or children’s books.  Goodreads is where we get the books we read for Charlie’s reading class.

Goodreads saves me time as we do not have to leave home and we do not have to spend money as the books are free and we can order as many as we like at a time. Goodreads always has the books we are studying in our classroom.

If you would want an example this week, we are studying Dinosaurs, and these are just a few of the books we found on Goodreads.

Danny and the Dinosaur (An I Can Read Book)

Danny And The Dinosaur was one of my daughters and nephews favorite books. I can’t wait for Charlie to read Danny And The Dinosaur and to write a report on Danny And The Dinosaur. I want to see what Charlie thinks of Danny And The Dinosaur. I want to know if it is a book David can read with Charlie.

How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?

We also found How Do Dinosaurs Go To School which neither Charlie or me have read so it will be fun to read together. Once we finish this book, we can write out a report and compare what we thought of the book and also examine what we thought of How Do Dinosaurs Go To School.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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