#HomeschoolWithBoardGames Monopoly Pizza Game

Welcome back to our series were we share Board Games used during #HomeschoolWithBoardGames Monopoly Pizza Game which I bought for David and Charlie.

David is off this evening and he has asked for Pizza. I want to surprise David and order the Pizza from Mama’s Pizza David’s favorite Pizza restaurant.

Once dinner is over Charlie and I want to watch and during the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Charlie and I plan on asking David to play Monopoly Pizza Board Game with us.

Monopoly Pizza Board Game

for Kids Ages 8 & Up

Product description

Who wants Pizza? In this Monopoly Pizza board game, players move around the gameboard, trying to buy as many types of Pizza as they can — from classic Pepperoni or Spinach to Mushroom.

Instead of buying up properties, players aim to collect a color set, which corresponds to a Type of Pizza such Veggie Love’s, Barbecue Chicken or even Mac and Cheese.

A full set of flavors combines to make an awesome new Pizza, giving those cards a higher value at the end of the game. At the end of the game, The player who collected the most Pizza slices wins. The Monopoly Pizza game makes a great gift for kids ages 8 and up, and is fun way to entertain the kids Whether you’re stuck inside on a rainy day, or gathering together for Family Game Night. #FamilyGameNight


Monopoly, Pizza Game, Fast Dealing Property Trading Game, Hasbro Gaming, Slice, Rack up the Dough, Pie, Classic Pepperoni, Spinach, Olive, Color Set, Magical Pairing, Veggie Lovers, Barbecue Chicken, Bacon Mac & Cheese, Cheesy Love, Money, Pizza Flavors, Slices, Wins, Gameboard


Set the Board Game up and as your doing this count all the Game pieces. Then create 5 Math problems for someone in your family to do.

Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work out.

Drama Class:

Act out a scene from one of the cards for your family. Create a traditional Chefs outfit to wear during the presentation or dress up like a piece of Puzzle.

Music Class:

Create a Jingle or a song about this Game and your to perform it before you begin playing the Game.

Art Class:

Create a story about a Mad Pizza Scientist and illustrate your story.

Cooking Class:

Set up a Pizza Buffet using Biscuit Dough and make a grocery list of everyone’s favorite Pizza Toppings.

Then go on a Field Trip and purchase all the items to make the Pizzas.

Before the Game begins make a Pizza for everyone playing .

Then create Pizza Desserts for after the Game.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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