#HomeschoolWithBoardGames No Thanks!

Good morning, welcome back to our #HomeschoolwithBoardGames No Thanks! No, I am not thanking you this is really a Board Game Charlie and I will be playing this morning. Would you like to join us?

No Thanks!

Take It . . . or Let It Go? It sounds so simple, and it is: Take a card or pay one chip. If you take the card you get its points, but points are bad. But you also get the chips that others have played, and that’s good (each chip nullifies one point). So say, “No thanks!” and play your chips, but watch out: When you’re out of chips that card’s all yours.

  • One of Board Game Geek’s top 100 family games
  • Fast play features bidding and bluffing
  • Great for travel and play at home
  • Great for Virtual Game Nights – see instructions in image reel


No Thanks!, Amigo, Play, Card Game, Adult, Players, Simplest, According, Star, Reviews, Best, Turn, Decision, Avoid, Taking Points, Chip, Engaging, Must-Buy, Fiendishly Addictive, Maddening, Forced, Flip, Stuck

Reading Class:

Set the Board Game up and read the instructions to the players. Then ask them questions to make sure they understand what you read to them.

Then have them ask you questions about what you read so we know you understood what your going to do.


Count all the game pieces and create 5 math problems for someone you know to work out.

Then have them use the number you came up with to create 5 math problems for you to work out.

Drama Class:

Act out what happened in the game while explaining what your doing to your parents.

Music Class:

Create a jingle or song about the Game to be performed before you play No Thanks!

Art Class:

Using the cards in the game draw a picture of something that happened and illustrate the picture.

Cooking Class:

Decorate cookies from things in No Thanks! Then decorate the cookies to serve when your playing the Game.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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