How To Deal With Parenting Challenges

Are you new to parenting or do you find that you suddenly have to deal with parenting challenges?

Good news it’s not just you, millions of parents all over the world are currently struggling with dealing with these challenges and becoming the best parent to their child but here is what I would tell you, you are an amazing parent and you can only get better from here.

How to deal with parenting challenges

I have put together a list of how you can get better every day as a parent while dealing with parenting challenges.

Potty Training: This is one of the greatest parenting challenge so many parents have with their kids, some parents start potty training as early as 6 months, when the child is that little have them slightly potty trained helps them form an idea of how to pee and poo properly in their mind, this is one secret a lot of parents are actually not aware of, the key is in starting early, even when they wear diapers before you bath your baby position them in a potty ready manner either above the toilet bowl or any sort of bathing Bowl . Before your baby gets to 9 months they already have it registered in their minds that peeing or pooing everywhere is not the right thing to do and trust me these kids understand more than we actually think they do.

Public Tantrums: Ooh this one could drive you insane as a parent! Every time your child screams and throws fits in public makes you want to disappear from the scene, this is a major challenge especially for parents who are always outdoors with their kids, it is easy to get overwhelmed by this act, you could get confused not knowing how to handle it on some days especially on the days when you have other kids with you, it will make you feel better if you remind yourself that this is just a stage and that they will outgrow it but one way to consider dealing with this as a parent is being firm, be firm with your kids and tell them that behaving that way in public is not allowed instead of just tolerating it. Develop a non verbal means of communication with your child and communicate with them using that every time they begin to throw fits in public.

Sticking To A Routine:  Kids will always be kids! Just when you think you have developed a routine they switch it all up for and this makes parenting really difficult, they switch nap times and their sleep patterns change which in turn affects the whole schedule, most times there isn’t really a lot to do about it but just flow with it, but one thing you would watch out for is little changes in pattern and deal with it instantly, try to stick to your schedule as much as you can this will help you become more productive as a parent.

Lack Of Patience: Every parent goes through this,  When things don’t go our way we find ourselves constantly losing patience with our kids, try to remind yourself that everything won’t go according to your plans, that some wars you will win and others you have let go

How to deal with parenting challenges

Holding Their Hands While They Walk: As a parent one of your biggest challenge will be letting your children make their own mistakes, as a child I leanrt a lot from my dad, I was never allowed to do the things I wanted or make my own mistake, but this wasn’t right. Allow your kids  do the things they want to do, instead of piggy backing them hold their hand and  let them  walk while figuring out how difficult how life it.

22 thoughts on “How To Deal With Parenting Challenges”

  1. A good routine is everything. I think we’d be completely lost if we didn’t have a good one in place.

  2. My sister-in-law is going through this right now with two toddlers. She has tried a lot of different things I will have to show her this post and see if she has tried what you suggest.

  3. valmg @ Mom Knows It All

    There are all kinds of challenges in life. Potty training will happen when it happens if it can happen, the patience you mentioned is a must.

    1. I agree we shouldn’t force it but let it happen when it does naturally and both the mom and child will be happier and less stressed.

    1. I agree with your parents may not want to listen but it is best to set routines early on so our children know what to expect and the consequences if they don’t follow through.

  4. Public tantrums are the worst! My mom told me to follow through with whatever threats I was going to make. That made me think twice about what I was going to say. That way I was consistent and follow through.

    1. I love the advice your mother gave you and I think as parents that is one mistake we make is we say things and don’t follow through or at least I know my husband and I have done this in the past although I am trying to change things so it doesn’t happen again.

  5. I think parents are amazing with what they do. I don’t have children but I am a teacher and I have an idea of what the challenges might be on a daily basis. I think these could help parents out, especially the new parents who are experiencing these challenges for the first time.

    1. Thank you Karen and also thank you for teaching our children sometimes I think teachers have it harder than a parent does.

  6. Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace and then even more grace is what is needed. The patience cup must never run out is my mama motto! Whether your kiddo are toddlers or teens!

    1. I love your Motto and I think I need to borrow it Teresa and my son may need it with me as well at times as I am not perfect and I make mistakes.

    1. I agree with you Wendy and I am learning I need to let go and let Charlie fight some of his own battles unless he is hurt

  7. This guide is going to be so helpful for parents. It’s not easy but it’s always going to be worth it all. Going through the challenges will not only make you a better parent, it will also give you the chance to love and appreciate your kids more.

  8. I am so lucky I never experienced public tantrums with both my kids when they were young. Parenting is not a walk in the park and these tips will definitely help new parents.

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