How to Prepare Your Home for Fall


                                                                   How to Prepare Your Home for Fall

As Summer melts away and the colder days of fall herald the changing of the seasons, it’s time to pack away the beachwear and dig out your winter sweaters. Fall can be a wonderful time of the year, taking walks through the woods with the kids as the leaves turn from green to their beautiful end of year colors, and the changing of the seasons is also the perfect time to plan ahead for winter and the colder days ahead. One of the ways you can embrace the end of summer is to have a good old clean and sort out of your home so that you have a cozy, welcoming environment to enjoy this winter.

Cleaning your home

Now the kids are back at school after the long summer break; it’s a perfect opportunity to give the house a spruce up. Start by having a good look at what needs doing and make a plan for how you want to tackle the work. Much like Spring cleaning, it’s the time to look at washing curtains and other soft furnishings, cleaning blinds, pulling out the furniture, and dusting picture frames and all the other items that don’t need weekly cleaning. If your home has carpets, then a deep clean shampoo is a good way of freshening them up and getting rid of stains from spilled juice and painting sessions left over from summer break. Have a look for carpet cleaning in my area and book a specialist firm to come in and do this for you. It will save you a significant amount of time and effort compared to trying to do it yourself, leaving you free to concentrate on the more personal tasks like sorting out winter wardrobes.

Sorting and tidying your home

Decluttering is the in thing, and you’ll find no end of helpful articles showing you how to get rid of all the items you and your family accumulate over the years. Whether you need to do a full declutter will depend on how tidy, and well-organized your home is, but even if you don’t need to do any major clearing out, there will still be areas that would benefit from a little attention. Hotspots for clutter include bathrooms, where half-used shampoo bottles tend to breed over the months, and kitchen cupboards that fill up with out of date groceries. The kids’ rooms will almost certainly need some attention, even if it’s just finding homes for all the artwork they created or the shells they collected from the beach over the summer.

Having a good clear out, tidy up, and a thorough clean will prepare your home for the next part of the year and ensure that you are ready for the changing weather. It can be a kind of catharsis, a way of saying goodbye to summer and welcoming the new season in. It’s always satisfying to have a thoroughly clean and tidy home, and carrying out a fall “spring clean” will give you tremendous satisfaction.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

19 thoughts on “How to Prepare Your Home for Fall”

  1. I”ll keep these tips in mind for sure! I am always working on decluttering. I also need to clean spots in the house. I’ve been wanting to clean the grout.

  2. We always start deep cleaning and rearranging this time of year in preparation for the coming holidays. De-cluttering is always a must.

  3. I definitely need to do the decluttering around my house this fall. I have so much stuff I need to donate.

  4. I am totally decluttering today. I am going crazy in this house With how messy it is! I’ve got the windows open to clean off the air and I’m going to dust vacuum and sweep the floor and declutter. I think you have some great ideas here and I’m going to use them.

  5. I love fall. I do way more cleaning, sorting and de-cluttering in the fall than I do in the spring. This year has been prepping everyday and loving it.

  6. I like these simple ideas! I always try and use a change in the season to remind myself to do a big time clean up and de-cluttering. It is insane how much mess and “stuff” I can find in just a few months in my home.

  7. Fall is a great time to clean and tidy up. I like to wash windows in the fall but the weather has suddenly gotten too cold for me to have windows open very long. I will try to get and other things done before winter. Thanks for this!

  8. I so need to declutter. I’ve been so busy this year due to work, and I’m struggling to find time to do much of anything. This post had inspired me!

  9. I am so agree that having a good clear out, tidy up house makes a better start of autumn season! It feels much better!

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