How to Sleep Better with Your Spouse

How to Sleep Better with Your Spouse

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Anyone with a spouse, at one point, found it challenging to get a shuteye with their partner. Maybe your partner snores loudly, sleeps tossing and turning, prefers different room temperatures to yours, or you have different sleep patterns, among other challenges. All these are things you have to sleep through them, and it may affect the quality of sleep you get. Many people wonder why spouses have to sleep in the same bed with all these challenges. However, studies found that, although they are challenges for couples who share beds, it’s good for their health. Below are ways on how to sleep better with your spouse more successfully. 

Make sleep a priority

Both of you must realize sleep is important. Not only for your health but your marriage as well. When both of you get quality and quantity sleep, it gives your relationship satisfaction. While spouses that are sleep deprived are at risk of being irritated with one another. As a result, this creates conflict between the two of them. Therefore, come to an understanding when it comes to making sleep a priority. So talk about the possible solutions and solve your relationship issues before going to bed.

Upgrade your mattress 

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Sometimes the cause of not sleeping well through the night maybe because of a poor quality mattress. A mattress that wears out every time needs an upgrade as not only will it give you poor quality sleep, but it can affect your health by giving you back pains. Therefore, invest in the best mattress 2021 that helps absorb impact and one that you no longer feel your partner’s movements due to the quality of the mattress. You can also upgrade your pillows and other beddings to help you sleep better with your spouse. 

Take care of any medical issues

If your spouse has any type of sleep issues. It may be an underlying health issue. Such as undiagnosed diabetes is causing you to have frequent urination. When you have anxiety and depression, it may be the reason you have insomnia. Also, sleep apnea causes abrupt awakening from sleep and causes insomnia in your spouse. Others may also be suffering from restless leg syndrome. All these are factors rob you of your beauty sleep, and you need to sort them out. Not only will it solve your health and sleep issues, but it will improve your marriage in the long run.  

Strategic bed position

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The position you choose to sleep in is as important as the mattress for your bed. When you have not chosen your bed position, and you are a warm sleeper, you will kick all the covers to your spouse and sleep all sprawled out.

If they snore, you will poke them when they come over to your side. Because of all these, choose your sleep position to help you sleep through the night. Choose your strategic bed position to ensure you are comfortable and not bothering your partner. 

Make your bedroom your refuge 

The bedroom should be a sanctuary where you keep the outside world out. To put it practically, this means, no fighting, no smartphones, and no TVs. These are distractions not only for your marriage but your sleep as well.

Plus, when your bedroom is a refuge for you and your spouse, it helps you connect well and at the same time, sleep well. Other distractions that people assume are clutter, pets, lights from neighbors, and noise. All these change your sleep environment and make it unconducive for sleep.

Keep kids out of the bed 

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It is always tempting to have your kids in your bed. However, this is a bad habit to form as it will be hard to curtail it. Firstly, kids are an obstacle to spouses that want to connect.

Still, co-sleeping with them does not create a safe environment for them to sleep. Therefore, it is important to create a boundary and make the bed a place for you with your spouse.

So, teach your children why they have their room and why mom and dad need time alone. Thus, to sleep better with your spouse, keep children out, and pets as well. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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