Huge Health Mistakes You’re Too Old To Make

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Back in your 20s, 30s, and even 40s, life was pretty good. You could wear whatever you wanted, head out on long runs, and move furniture without fear. Now you’ve hit 50, however, everything has changed. Although you should always maintain good health, it’s once you reach this age that you have to really begin taking care of yourself. Sadly, many older people fail to do this, putting their health at further risk. To stay happy and healthy as you grow older, there are many things you can no longer do. With that in mind, here are seven health mistakes you’re too old to make. 

1. Missing Vital Health Checks

When you don’t feel sick, visiting your doctor can seem like a waste of time. However, that doesn’t mean that it necessarily is. Annual checkups are vital, whatever your age, but they become more important as you grow older. This is because certain diseases are common in seniors. Even if you feel healthy now, many of these illnesses don’t show symptoms until the later stages. By that time, they may be difficult to treat, so it’s better to get a diagnosis early. 

2. Forgetting To Take Pills

Different illnesses require different treatments. If you’ve been prescribed medications, you must remember to take them. The trouble is, many older people don’t, which allows their condition to get worse. A pillbox and timer from Spring Chicken can remind you which medicines to take and when to take them. Of course, you could set a reminder on your phone instead. When taking your medicine, make sure you only take the prescribed dose. Any more or less can be harmful. 

3. Trying Every Fad Diet

Social media has solidified its place in our lives. Although the older generation complains about technology, we can’t deny it’s usefulness. Sadly, social media does have its downsides. While it allows us to stay connected, it also exposes us to weight loss remedies and fad diets. When your age is getting you down, you might listen to the bad advice online hoping to feel better about yourself. The trouble is, none of the remedies work and instead put your health at risk. 

4. Ditching The Daily Exercise

The older you grow, the more responsibilities pile up. When you have children, grandchildren, pets, and a full-time job occupying your attention, ditching exercise can seem an effective way to let your schedule breathe. However, your daily workout is one of the most crucial things on your calendar. Not only does it help you to maintain fitness and a healthy weight, but it fights many diseases too. No matter how busy you may be, make sure you always make time for exercise

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5. Neglecting Your Brain Workouts

It’s not just your body that you need to keep fit. We all have the odd memory lapse now and then, but this is an increasingly common problem for aging brains. Thankfully, it isn’t an inevitable one. By training your brain, you can improve your memory and thinking skills. There are many ways to go about doing this, including brain-exercise games and puzzles. Even eating with chopsticks has its benefits, as you stimulate your brain when you engage the nerve cells in your fingertips. 

6. Hiding Away At Home

Wanting to spend time alone isn’t a crime. In fact, anyone with a busy schedule can benefit from some me-time. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t spend your days cooped up inside, especially if you don’t work. Humans are incredibly social creatures, which means we require social interaction to live healthy lives. This is why you must make plans to see friends and family regularly. It also helps to make new friends, so you have an excuse to leave the house at least once every day. 

7. Soaking Up The Sun

Looking good isn’t reserved for those aged 30 and under. Even seniors try to look their best and yearn for a glowing tan, especially during the summer months. However, that doesn’t mean you should spend hours bathing outside or lying on a sunbed. Along with aging your skin, this process will expose your skin to UV rays, increasing the risk of you developing skin cancer. The only way to achieve a healthy tan is with a bottle, so make sure you always wear sunscreen. 

Health shouldn’t become less of a priority as you grow older. In fact, if anything, you should take even better care of yourself. To live a healthy life, try to avoid making the huge mistakes above.

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