Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Charlie and I’ve been working hard on his reading and getting him to move up to the next level in school. Which on Monday he finally did step up. Although we still need to move up one more level before school ends.

I ‘ve been trying to get my hands on as many books as possible for Charlie to read. I was able to secure Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo in exchange for a review. Which  gave Charlie a new book to read for school this week.

Like all of the other Hugo, the Starfish books I  had the chance to read Charlie and I loved Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo. I would like to suggest you check out this book s well.

Hugo, The Happy Starfish King, is about independence which I was glad to know as I have been working a lot with Charlie on building his autonomy before he goes back to school.

I sat down read Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo with Charlie and then I had him read it to me. Once done, I asked him to tell me what he learned and to draw some pictures of the things he learned and how he could use them in his home as well as at school.

Charlie and I even went over some of the words he wasn’t sure about, and I asked him to use them in a sentence. Being able to do this means if we were homeschooling I would be able to use this book for our reading class. Beside independence we went over patience which I was glad to do as Charlie has trouble with it. After reading Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo book he has gotten better and even I have seemed myself doing better with patience.

I love that when you visit the website, you will find some worksheets and things to do that makes the books last longer and having these resources helps you teach the children, and it means teachers could use                   Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo children’s books in their classrooms.

The illustrations in Hugo The Happy Starfish King Hugo are so fun to look at, and the colors are fantastic. I loved knowing the stand-alone books series and that they come in many different languages.

Product Description

Come on a sea adventure with HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH as he finds out that HAPPINESS begins with INDEPENDENCE.

KING HUGO (THE ISLAND OF INDEPENDENCE) contains a great educational lesson about how much fun it is TO SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW.

On the ISLAND OF INDEPENDENCE Hugo learns that it feels good to have a right attitude and to know what the right thing to do is, without somebody telling them.

The little starfish get rewarded for all the things he has learned and became king of the island.

Hugo is a little starfish whose home is at the bottom of the vast ocean. He longs to visit the real world, and one day he decides to go and find it. Hugo’s journey to happiness isn’t quite as straightforward as he hopes though. Hugo sent to a series of different islands where taught essential character lessons.

By the end of his journey, Hugo has visited fourteen islands, made many more friends, and, most importantly, learned how to be a better starfish.

‘HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH – ISLAND ADVENTURES’ is packed with life lessons for kids, showing them the importance of appreciation, patience, tolerance, and optimism amongst others.

Teaching children life skills can be tricky, but with this exciting book your kids will come across some of the most important lessons, there are to be learned. Like Hugo, their journey to the real world will be full of character lessons along the way.

In Hugo, children, parents, and educators will discover a lovable and engaging role model with whom they can identify.

The story consists of 29 gorgeous illustrations showing a colorful and magical underwater world.

Children will laugh at the delightful characters, hold their breaths in suspense and love to read this story over and over.

The book is suitable as a read-aloud book for preschoolers or a self-read book for older children.

The book comes with some worksheets which are downloadable at no cost on our website.

The book is offered in two editions (a version with Spanish introductory vocabulary and an English only version) as well as in different languages such as German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH stories are waiting to be discovered.


Through his adventures, Hugo learns many valuable lessons of character, life skills, and ecological alertness – all amid the backdrop of a magical underwater world and mystical islands.

The stories developed in conjunction with the author’s teaching experience at an International Baccalaureate® School and they support the different learner profiles and attitudes of the IB PYP curriculum.

Get your copy today and be sure to look out for more quality Kindle Books published by HAPPY LANGUAGE KIDS PUBLICATIONS!

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David

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