In Homeschooling It’s Okay Not To know It All

Most everyone knows I have homeschooled two different times and two different ages of children. Both times I didn’t know what I was doing, and one thing I had to learn when we decided to try homeschooling was that it’s okay not to know it all. You can learn with your children.

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Let me share something with you I learned not even the teachers know everything. I learned when Charlie was in second grade. As they were going to be using new math and I asked the teachers for help as I didn’t know who to do it and they admitted to me, they weren’t sure what they were doing either and told me to have Charlie do the best he could do.

Once we decided to homeschool Charlie I figured if the teachers didn’t know everything then I would be okay because I could ask for help. So don’t be afraid to look for a mentor or find a local Homeschool Co-Op to join. Or even ask your children because they may know more than you do. Which has happened time and time again when teaching Charlie.

Incorporate things you love or are good at for David it’s working on cars or small engines so David and Charlie begin a Lawn Mowing Business and Charlie takes care of the books for David. For me, I love to be outside so Charlie and I walk and go on Nature Hikes and we exercise together.

Charlie’s grandmother teaches him to back and his sister Leslie shares her love of animals with Charlie and they take care of her snake and dogs together. With Leslie wanting to become a Vet Charlie and she have been researching the classes she needs and she lets Charlie help her fill out the paperwork. Which has brought them closer together and they spend one on one time together.

If there is something which interests your children you don’t know anything about, then you can utilize the Library or go to one Field Trips to learn about these subjects. Which is what we do with Charlie as he loves Wrestling and I have him research wrestlers and write up reports on the ones he likes. We have visited a Museum dedicated to Wrestlers and gone to Wrestling matches and Charlie has even interviewed local Wrestlers for Videos he makes.

Charlie has come up with a complete Wrestling Arena David and Charlie have built together and Charlie and I will be designing clothes for his Wrestlers. A friend I met online who is homeschooling her children in a different state has put together a box of fabric and sewing supplies we can use in our Art class for us. As well as gardening tools and seeds so we can grow our own garden.

You can search online for local Homeschooling Families and set up meetings and as you get to know each other you will learn what they are teaching your children and you can all pick one class your good at and teach all the children at once. Freeing you up to teach other classes you feel more comfortable teaching.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates



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