Is CBD Hemp Oil Better than Medical Marijuana?

Here are Few Important Reasons

Alternative medicines are gradually becoming popular! A name that is rapidly topping the chart is Cannabidiol. Simply put, this is CBD hemp oil that promotes a wide range of benefits for health. From multiple sclerosis to epilepsy, CBD oil is said to treat numerous medical conditions. People also use it to treat soft tissue pain, insomnia, and daily fatigue.

How is CBD oil made?

CBD hemp oil gets extracted from cannabis and hemp plant. However, when derived from the hemp plant, it has 3% or less THC. Hence, it can successfully bypass the legal aspects related to cannabis production. THC is known for the Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s a significant psychoactive element present in cannabis. This element in marijuana is what gets you on a high.

However, CBD hemp oil will not get anyone high. Since CBD Hemp lacks THC, it isn’t a subject to strict federal testing.  If you want to know more on this, you can reach out to Every Day Optimal CBD and reap the benefits of the product.

Ways CBD Oil scores over Medical Marijuana

There are several ways in which CBD oil offers increased benefits. Here are few important ones.


It can successfully treat a wide range of health issues.


Today most American adults are suffering from nausea, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and chronic body pain! Most of us today have long working hours. And this results in erratic sleeping and life patterns. It leads to inflammation, which is the primary reason for all kinds of bodily discomforts. Today, CBD oil is considered to be an alternative therapy to NSAID pain medications. Merely put NSAID pain medications carries a considerable number of health hazards. Some of the chronic side effects comprise stroke, heart attack, and dangerous gastrointestinal bleeding. There’s no such risk in CBD oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties that ensure pain relief.

Medical studies suggest that CBD hemp oil can also combat exhaustion. It enhances mood and memory simultaneously. As this oil enhances the sleep quality, it, in turn, maximizes the body’s relaxation capacity, in turn, improves our body’s serotonin level. Lack of sleep results in several side effects! It can be very subtle as depressive emotions, anxiety or excessive sleepiness to start. But all these gradually and immensely affect the health.  

That is not all. Most scientific studies have revealed that CBD oil is anti-bacterial. Important research conducted way back in 2008 showcased that CBD can combat a wide range of drug-resistant strains of MRSA. The researchers claim that CBD can identify the problematic primary operating processes, inside the bacteria and will fight the same, which the antibiotics can’t.


Eradicates chronic health disorders and ailments


Many studies which were done recently prove that CBD oil can treat epilepsy. Individuals who have extreme epilepsy and who’ve used CBD oil have experienced a tremendous decline in the seizure. Furthermore, doctors have been conducting clinical trials to test if CBD can treat epilepsy in children. These trials were a huge success. People assume that CBD must have THC for managing the seizure. It is far away from the truth. However, a minor presence of THC won’t affect the treatment effect as well. Wondering why CBD is instrumental in treating epilepsy? The reasons are unknown, but the cure is inevitable. Few medical experts attribute it to CBD’s neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Today, over 15 million adults in America suffer from high-anxiety and depression. CBD hemp oil is useful in healing these conditions. It is effective than anti-depressant drugs and doesn’t have side effects as well. Daily usage of CBD also identifies previously existing depressive disorders. CBD further comprises anti-depressants, analgesic and anti-psychotic elements that can treat anxiety and depression successfully. Other mental disorders too can be healed back to normalcy. Studies have also revealed that CBD has antipsychotic effects, which is at par with the modern anti-psychotic medicines. The added benefit being CBD doesn’t have any side effects.

Today, research has proved that CBD can efficiently heal multiple sclerosis! The oil usage restricts the degenerative neuropathic pain and the spasticity that MS brings about. New scientific studies suggest that CBD can limit cancer growth as well. Hence, it is safe to say that CBD has a role to play in the 21st-century regenerative medicine.


There’s no risk of getting high.


Several people have used THC products and have found relief! And they have also stopped using the same, to steer clear of the immediate high that is common with marijuana. With CBD hemp oil you don’t have to worry about that. CBD oil can’t induce that high. It won’t hinder the psychological functioning, or motor skills akin to high THC components. CBD hemp oil lacks THC, and that is good news for many people. It is especially beneficial for children, nursing and pregnant women who’ve decided to consume it. So if you are using the oil on an infant, you don’t need to worry about child development. Presence of high THC can in a way affect memory and IQ.

There’s more to CBD cannabis oil than just efficient pain removal and muscle relaxation. At times it’s known for intensifying psychological disorders that can range anything from anxiety disorders, panic attacks or the chronic schizophrenia. On the other hand, CBD hemp oil can combat any symptoms that arise with any negative psychological response to THC. It can include constant paranoia and even memory loss. It is a vital piece of news for people who use marijuana and are struggling with its side effects. However, CBD Hemp Oil saves you from all these dense side effects on the body and mind.

Finally, CBD hemp oil is easy to obtain and use. The CBD oil sourced from industrial hemp is considered legal on a federal level. It is available in a secure manner in all the developed countries. On the other hand, medical marijuana access is subject to strict state laws and regulations. Also, in certain parts of the world, it’s considered illegal. However, CBD hemp oil doesn’t fall under any such speculation. Today, it’s available in myriad forms comprising of tinctures, drops, capsules, and tablets. So, you can always browse through and decide which type of CBD oil variant you want to opt-in.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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