It is official as of Tuesday Charlie is now HOMESCHOOLED!!

It is official as of Tuesday Charlie is now HOMESCHOOLED!!

GF & AF Gluten Free Let Them Eat Cake

Yes, you heard me right we are now Homeschooling Charlie. Before you ask me why. Let me tell you it is the right thing for our family. Will he miss his friends? No, he will not as I will make sure he sees them all the time. What does David think about it? It was his ideal.

Is Charlie upset about no going to school? No, he isn’t and he has been helping me make things for him to work on. As well as teaching me the way they do math so I can help him with his math.

Am I scared yes, I am. Can I do this? I am not sure. But I will try and I am excited to know I will have more time with my son. And be able to help him in the areas he is struggling with.

Would I tell you to homeschool your child. No, I wouldn’t as it isn’t for everyone. So what I would do is tell you to talk to your family and to Pray about it. Then do what is the best for your children. As this is what David and I have done.

As for our friends yes, they was shocked and tried to talk us out of it. But they do not understand why we chose to do this. And it is not there place to understand why we have done this.

As for our families my dad and brother doesn’t know and I am not sure we will tell them. Although I am sure my sister will when she finds out. And no she doesn’t know yet. But she does know how much trouble we have had with the school so I think she will understand. Although she may be upset about it. But that is OK as it isn’t her choice. It is ours and we made it.

Now you may wonder why we did it and it is because Charlie tried to kill himself the other day and has been having problems with going to school. As he wasn’t learning or getting the test he needed. Plus there has been some bullying going on and the School wasn’t as helpful as they should be.

So we took Charlie to counseling and the counselor thinks it is the best thing to do until we can move or we can get the problems at the school fixed. As they would not allow Charlie to change to a different school.

So if you have a small child and they do not want to go to school Please find out why as I would hate for them to do what Charlie did. As it is scary and I do not want anyone to lose a child ever.

I know one thing I do not do is say “Thank you” enough to David’s mom and dad and today I would like to because they have chosen to support us in our Homeschool efforts and to help us get anything we need.

So Please Pray for our family as we launch Bones Academy next week. As I am scared but excited and Charlie is feeling the same way I am.

It is official as of Tuesday Charlie is now HOMESCHOOLED!! I said it and it is on the Internet there is no going back now. Full steam ahead.

If you have tips to help make this JOURNEY easier Please share them with me. And if you know of sites or blogs I should check out Please leave the links. As I need to find a curriculum for Charlie and I to use.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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