JumpSport SkyBounce

I still remember last year at Christmas when the neighbors knocked on our door and asked if Charlie could come outside as they had something to share with him. They had purchased the JumpSport SkyBounce for there children and let Charlie know it was his to use as well. Charlie was so happy he abanded all of his Christmas Gifts to get outside as fast as possible.

Charlie got dressed and rushed out the door, and before I knew it, Charlie burst back through our door begging David and me to come outside.

Charlie wanted us to see what he could do on the Trampoline. It was so fun seeing the smile on Charlies face that I think we need to purchase Charlie his own.

I followed Charlie outside and saw the father putting the next while the children waited to get on it. I asked Charlie what he thought of it, and he said he loved it and had always wanted one of his own. In the past, I had thought of getting Charlie one, but David still had reasons why we shouldn’t. I haven’t been able to get David to let me get Charlie his trampoline.

Once the trampoline was set up, Charlie came in and grabbed a pair of socks and headed back outside. I couldn’t wait to see how well Charlie liked the trampoline and he loved it as much as I thought he would. If Charlie and the other kids could have, I think they all would have slept outside in it.

David is afraid Charlie would end up getting hurt. I don’t think he would as trampolines have changed since we were children. I can’t wait to show David JumpSport as I would like to get Jumpsport Skybounce 14′  Trampoline with Enclosure for Charlie. The trampoline enclosed little children would be able to play on it and we wouldn’t have to worry about them getting hurt.

If you would like to look into getting a trampoline for your family, I would like to invite you to checkout Jumpsort SkyBounce as they have so many different varieties that there is something for everyone.

JumpSport Inc. has been a champion of quality and safety in the trampoline industry for over 20 years. Our products offer superior bounce performance with long-lasting warranties and safety ratings surpassing even the top competitors.

Invest in a 14ft, 12ft, or 10ft SkyBounce trampoline system today.

Spend less time worrying and more time enjoying jumping as a family!

For additional savings and to see more product offerings, visit the trampoline sales page: Trampoline Sale

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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