Kids Typing

When your Homeschooling children just like in Public or Private Schools they will be able to take Extra Curriculum classes. As I was preparing our schedule for next year I decided to add a typing class for Charlie to check into for a number of reasons. I would like to share with you I found kids typing. Wee will be using kids typing in our classroom.

  1. Typing will help Charlie with his computer skills and allow him to get faster with typing and teach him to type without having to look at the keyboard.
  2. Typing will allow Charlie to master spelling and handwriting through the lessons they set up for our students to work on.
  3. Typing can be used as a Lesson Plan as children can look up typewrites and when they were created.

Charlie and I will be searching local Pawn Shops to purchase a used typewriter for Charlie to practice on even though he can use the computer. = I would like to share a secret with you I also plan on using the typewriter to improve my typing skills. Even though I took a typing class in high school I’ve forgotten a lot of things I learned.

Image result for picture of a typewriter

I went on Google typed in typing classes and I found the perfect website for Charlie and me. The website is called kids typing and on the website, you will find School Typing Games.

I was on the website Charlie found a game called Typing of the Living Dead which he is biting at the chomp to play.

I have a question for you. Have you used Typing classes for your students?If so why? What did you like about the Typing classes? What didn’t you like about the Typing classes? Why did you feel that way?

Which extracurricular classes are your students taking this year and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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