Knowing the conditions that favor mold growth would help to draw plans for preventing it

Mold is the most dreaded four-letter word that is a significant health concern for homeowners. You would hardly find any home that is free from cavities because the stubborn intruder finds safe refuge in air ducts of HVAC systems. Although it might be easy for homeowners to remove molds from visible areas like kitchens and bathrooms, they would find it tough to clean air ducts.  It may appear that mold removal is not at all difficult but when you consider the location of air ducts things could become quite complicated.  Accessing air ducts becomes an issue because the pipes pass through such places that are not easy to reach. Moreover, it needs trained eyes to detect molds because dust and cobwebs can often mistake as molds.

Molds love air ducts

If you are wondering, why the hell molds grow so rapidly in air ducts, then you must know that the conditions for growth of molds are just right at those places. Molds prefer warm and humid climate to thrive, and it finds air ducts most attractive to build colonies. Mold spores spread through the air and whenever it finds a favorable place, it settles down and starts spreading. And what could be a safer place than air ducts that are far away from the reach of people?

For enjoying healthy life at home by ensuring good air quality that molds can make bad, it will be helpful to know the causes and signs of mold.

 Why molds grow

In the household, you will always find some mold somewhere. Molds are nature’s scavengers as it breaks down dead organic matter like dead trees and fallen leaves and enriches the soil. Mold spores spread through the air to aid its reproduction in warm and moist conditions. When mold spores find a favorable environment, it starts growing fast. Commonly used building materials support the growth of molds. Keeping homes as much dry as possible by controlling the humidity level helps to prevent mold growth.  However, molds in the house become a significant health concern. Molds might remain invisible, but you can feel its presence by observing some health symptoms that develop from it.

Do you have molds at home?

Indeed, you may be right to conclude that there is no mold in your home if it is not visible. However, you should know that whether visible or not, mold can affect your health. To see if you are under mold attack, look out for some health signs that can confirm it. Experiencing typical allergic symptoms like watering eyes, running nose, rashes, eye and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and nausea are effects of molds having a toll on your health when you get exposed to it.

The cure for mold lies in preventing its growth especially in air ducts where it is mostly present. Replacing the filters of HVAC, insulating ducts to reduce condensation and sealing leaks could result in inhibiting the growth of molds. Use a good dehumidifier that reduces the humidity level and prevents molds from forming colonies.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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