Merry Christmas

My family would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Can you believe in just a week we will all be starting a new year. I’m excited to see what next year will bring us.

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Before we get there though I would like to ask if you were able to fulfill your dreams for this year? Did you set New Years Resolutions? If so did you manage to keep those resolutions? If not what happened? Will you new resolutions for next year? If so would you like to share them with us?

I would like to ask you a question if you wouldn’t mind. Did you pick a word of the year? If do did you keep it in mind throughout the year as you navigated through the year?

For me for the last couple years I’ve picked out a word. The year beforemy word was “BELIEVE” which I chose for  my personal and business life. Last year I chose “Soar” for my business and no, I didn’t accomplish all I wanted to. In fact I feel like I wasn’t able to accomplish the goals I set for myself. I didn’t get much of anything I wanted done.

This year as I take a step back and look around my home and my family as well as my business even though I feel like I failed in so many ways, I keep telling myself to breath.

Then I remind myself if “I would fully rely on God” I wouldn’t be feeling the way I’ve been feeling here lately. no, matter what happens this year I know that I will be using “Breathe and Believe” as my words of the year. Now, you might ask me why I picked two as your only supposed to pick one word.

I would like to tell you that I chose breathe because we should do that no, matter what were doing. Then once we have taken a calming breath we need to believe in ourselves. Which isn’t always the easiest thing.

But taking the calming breath t leads back to me taking a step back and  before I move forward. Which through all of this I will need to fully rely on God because without God we can’t accomplish anything at all.

Image result for Fully Rely On God

I wish you a Blessed New Year, and a Merry Christmas. I would like to thank you for hanging in with me and taking the time to read my blog. Without you I wouldn’t be here.

Please, Pray with me as we prepare for a New Year that we all have a profitable and successful year. Our families and friends remain safe. The world keeps moving forward in a positive way. Please Pray that the negativity and bullying everyone is going through stops.

In Jesus name,

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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