Contest to win $300 Gift Card to

 A Sponsored post for

When I go shopping, I like purchasing from companies that help by giving donations to help Charties out. I was preparing my Christmas List and who I needed to purchase gifts for I  looked for companies dedicated to giving back to Society.

I was online, I found a new site called My Gift Stop, and they an online shop offering luxury goods dedicated to giving back to society, by donating 5% of every sale to the global medical relief nonprofit, Direct Relief.

As a busy mom, there is plenty of times when familiar for things slip my mind here and there like peoples Birthday and that I need to purchase a gift for them. My Gift Stop comes in handy as they make a mission to offer us peace of mind when shopping for last minute gifts.

“I would like to share some information with you about My Gift Stop their journey began in 2002 when the brand launched its first e-commerce site selling fine watches from some of the world’s most famous brands. After years of success, My Gift Stop was born – a socially responsible gifting experience, where you gift, and they donate to Direct Relief.

One feature I like is knowing My Gift Shop has a direct relationship with manufacturers and an official retailer of the world’s famous brands, allowing them to sell luxury goods like watches, bags, jewelry, shoes, fragrances, sunglasses and other products for men and women at discounted prices.

For someone like myself who shops on a budget, My Gift Shop allows me to perform one-stop shopping for that busy shopper which I am and I wouldn’t be able to purchase Gifts for a lot of people due to my finances. My Gift Stop enables me to save money which means I can buy even more Gifts that I usually would. Or I have money left over from shopping that I can buy a Gift for myself.

As I prepare to launch this year Christmas Gift Guide, I believe My Gift Shop is the perfect addition to the Guide as they offer Gifts for so many of the people I need to shop for including my sister and my husband.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

23 thoughts on “Contest to win $300 Gift Card to”

  1. I love it when companies give back. It always makes me want to shop there more and more, so I am definitely heading there to do some shopping for some upcoming birthdays that I need gifts for.

  2. I’ve never heard of My Gift Shop. I need to check it out. I love finding new places to shop, especially shops that give back to the community.

  3. What an absolutely amazing sounding shop! I love the fact they are offering 5% of it’s sales to such a good cause! It always makes me much more likely to shop somewhere when they offer something like this.

  4. I’ve bought some products from this site and I’m headed over there now to see what I can purchase for a Birthday gift. Thanks for the heads up about the giveaway. I’d love to win this.

  5. You are way ahead of the game if you are already making out your christmas list and shopping. Sounds like a great place to shop so will have to check it out.

  6. valmg @ Mom Knows It All

    I do a good portion of my holiday shopping online. The convenience and ability to save time and money is a lifesaver.

  7. It’s nice to spend your money to something knowing that you’re helping others at the same time. This is a good deed for the online shop indeed.

  8. My Dickie Work Boots are great! If you can find a good deal on them they are a great buy!

  9. Sounds like an awesome site to do all your gift shopping! It’s definitely something that I’d enjoy. I think it’s really important to support brands and companies that give back as much as they can!

    1. Yes, it is Karen and if you check out the site let me know what you thought of it and if you purchase anything from them.

  10. Wow, what a great way to buy and find great picks for you and for your loved ones. I guess, I would want to have this too. Good luck to all the joiners and congratulations in advance to the lucky winner!

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