MyDailyMoment Sweepstakes Instant Cash Sweepstakes

Even though I know it’s a long shot I entered MyDailyMoment Sweepstakes for MDM’s Daily Recipe because I love to cook and being able to see new recipes allows me to create new and unique dishes for my family. Sometimes this leads to them sharing the recipes with their friends and family. Which is nice as it shows they liked what I cooked. MyDailyMoment Sweepstakes Instant Cash Sweepstakes

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I can tell you it would be nice to win $10,000 as I could put a down payment on a truck for David because David has been wanting a truck forever and even though we have had the money to get a truck for David. David ends up getting things for Charlie or I and doing without items he would like to have. Or I could get David a Motorcycle which he wants more than a truck.

Or I could put a down payment on a home for us and get us out of this trailer we are renting which is like throwing money away. Otherwise will never own our trailer and the money we invest fixing up the trailer is wasted. Because if we move we have to leave everything behind.

Or we could put the money into a College fund for Charlie. Which would be the smartest move as we are getting older and may not be around when Charlie gets ready to go to College. If we don’t put money aside for College. Charlie would end up living with someone or on his own and Charlie might not have the education to get a good job and I would hate that.

I have a question for you? What would you do if you won this amount of money? Would you share the money with anyone? If so who would you share the money with and why?

Thank, Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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