Nancy B’s Science Club® Binoculars and Wildlife Activity Journal

Charlie and his class will be heading on a Field Trip to the Astrology Center next week and I was telling Charlie we would need to figure out what items he would need to take and make sure and gather them up this weekend. This way on the day he goes all he has to do is grab his backpack and walk out the door and we will not have to search for items he needs. I wanted Charlie to get used to using his binoculars so I went online and signed Charlie up for .Nancy B’s Science Club® Binoculars and Wildlife Activity Journal.

Nancy B’s Science Club® Binoculars and Wildlife Activity Journal

Then the other day I saw Charlie looking for something and the more he looked the more frustrated Charlie was getting.  I asked him what he was looking for and he says you know the things I look through.  I had to try and figure out what Charlie meant. When David walked up and handed me his binoculars and asked if this is what he was looking for. Charlie said yes, mom I told you the things we look through you should have none it was these. Now mind you I am not a mind reader so I have no, clue how I was supposed to know what Charlie was talking about.

The binoculars Charlie were wanting was the ones I was sent through Educational Insights to conduct a review on. They are from Nancy B’s Science Club line and so going to the Zoo and using these matches what the binoculars are for. I like knowing that the binoculars also have a compass with it which Charlie has enjoyed using. Having this gives me a piece of mine because if Charlie gets lost this can help him find us.

I love the size of the binoculars as they are good for children of all ages even though they say they are for 8 and up. Even David and I have taken them outside and used them to look at birds and they work as well as the ones for adults. Everything you look at is so clear and so easy to see. Sometimes I think I should use it when I am looking at things far away as I have trouble seeing them.

I love knowing they are small enough to go inside Charlie’s backpack and that they are not heavy and that they will not weigh Charlie’s backpack down. Another thing I liked was the colors the binoculars come in as they will work for either boys or girls. The eyepieces didn’t hurt our eyes like other binoculars we have used in the past.

I also like knowing the binoculars come with a journal that has different exercises in it Charlie and I can do. This makes it the perfect addition to someone who teaches homeschool. Since the journal covers both plants and animals and Charlie has been studying both at school I let him take the binoculars to share with his classmates the other day and everyone including the teacher enjoyed using them. Charlie’s teacher even said she would like to look into getting some for the classroom next year.

If you and your children enjoy science as much as Charlie and I do then you should check out the online science club you can join for free as this will give you and your children things to do as a family. Charlie and I joined and we love the club and will be inviting our friends and family to join us as we can work together during the Summer.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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