Notoriously Dapper Published By Kelvin Davis

As we prepare for Charlie to continue Homeschooling next year, I have been working on new classes to set our schooling apart from the Public School. I thought we might begin a Health Class and as I did a book arrived which I thought would make the perfect addition to Charlie’s lessons. The new novel is called Notoriously Dapper Published by Kelvin Davis.

The reason I believe Notoriously Dapper is the perfect addition to our classroom is it teaches “Men how to be a modern and gentleman with Manners, Style and Body Confidence.” Not only do I think Charlie needs to read this book but his father, as well as the friends Charlie, hangs out with because none of them have the grace to open doors for women and most of them don’t even use Please or Thank you.

I loved learning his motto is “You are 100% original in every way. By you and be CONFIDENT”. Which is something I think all parents should instill in their children along with my favorite saying “God doesn’t make JUNK or STUPID people.”  I also liked knowing that you can see how men should dress not that many of them do this anymore.

Most men/ boys think sagging is cute and it isn’t it is gross and disrespectable to the people around them. Charlie and also my stepson and even my nephew have tried this at a time and told by not only myself but my husband David and my Mother in Law that it isn’t acceptable and if you plan on dressing like that you need to find somewhere else to live.

There are parts of the book that wouldn’t be right for a child. Although, you can read the book as I did and share the parts that you would like for your children to know and as you read the book and pick areas to share with your friends and family as it is broken down into categories and not all of them may pertain to you or your friends and family.


The modern gentleman: Being a true modern gentleman and a genuine class act is increasingly rare. It is also more important now than ever before. What worked for the Rat Pack and the Brat Pack won’t work for you and truth be told, it won’t work for anyone because that is old school. Manliness in the modern era is worth learning about, and the dividends will pay off for a lifetime. Not only will you bring joy to all those around you, but you’ll also be happier, too. Once you master this, you’ll live the good life.

Manliness, life skills, and building self-esteem: No one in the world is better suited than Kelvin Davis, (we’re talking nice suits, too) to provide the ultimate guide to being a modern gentleman. A fresh voice in style, attitude, manners and body confidence or body positive for men, Kelvin is a model and significant Instagram influencer who has featured in Glamour Magazine, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan and much more. Davis is also a leading light in the body confidence movement for men, offering empowerment and wisdom that contributes to building self-esteem wisdom. In his words, “You can choose to be great; clothing has sizes, but style does not.”

Building body confidence: Wedding etiquette and all around This book is a treasury of information covering all the bases from how to date (Hint, pulling up and waiting for her in your car is wrong, you’re not freaking Uber!) to social skills to etiquette for all occasions, even including counsel on improving your character. Whether you are at a weekend wedding with your friends, courting a new lady, being a great colleague at work or becoming a dad, Notoriously Dapper provides practical information and inspiration for the modern gentleman seeking to build body positive life skills.

You’ll learn the life skills every modern gentleman should know, including these secrets to eternal style and class:

Tie your damn tie

Be the perfect wedding guest

Treat your women right, from ages 8 to 80

Get along with pretty much anybody

Ask for a woman’s hand in marriage

 First-time fatherhood

The art of self-care and bodycon

Modeling good behavior

The Bro Code

 Live, laugh and love your life!

Kelvin Davis

Notoriously Dapper is a body positive men’s fashion blog that displays daily looks to inspire all men to embrace who they are. I started this blog after a shopping trip that unfortunately left a bad taste in my mouth. Ever since then I vowed never feel that insecure or ashamed of my size again! I started posting outfit looks to inspire and showmen of a size that you can be stylish regardless of our sometimes limitations when shopping or viewing clothing advertisements.

As an artist, I view fashion as an outlet. It is one’s way of expressing themselves to the world. Your body is the blank canvas, and your clothes are the medium. Whether it be the shirt, pants, shoes or accessories worn; the outfit is the art making process, and the final product is your fashionable creation.

In this blog, you will find a daily look book of my style. I believe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; feel free to get inspired and take risks. Thank you for your support!!

-Notoriously Dapper

“Very well-known for dressing in attractive clothing.”

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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