Plan Your Next Photography Tour to Iceland – 2024’s Guide

In 2023, Iceland had 6.6 million overnight stays in hotels and guesthouses. The figures are undoubtedly impressive

Whether it is the national parks or mighty waterfalls, Iceland has fantastic locations that inspire you to pack your bags immediately. While Iceland has an endless list of tourist attractions, its rich diversity offers a bonus for wildlife photographers. 

Did you know that about 75 bird species regularly nest in Iceland, while a few varieties breed there as well? Iceland’s animal diversity (more than 2,000 freshwater and terrestrial animal species) will also excite all wildlife photographers. 

Iceland is an ideal destination for all wildlife enthusiasts, but without proper planning, you might fail to make the most of your wildlife photography tour. Imagine staying out in expensive yet unhygienic dorms or rooms!   

To ensure you have a hassle-free tour of this destination, here is our guide: 

Bird Photography

Iceland is one of the top breeding locations in the Arctic and offers exceptional opportunities for photographing birds during their breeding season. 

The country is home to various species, such as Atlantic puffins, waterfowl, shorebirds, jaegers, loons, and other birds. 

The Atlantic puffin is a particularly iconic species, and Iceland provides ample opportunities to capture intimate moments of puffins flying in with sand eels to feed their chicks.

During bird photography tours, you can expect to encounter species such as razorbills, thick-billed and common murres, fulmars, kittiwakes, whimbrels, golden plovers, ptarmigans, wheatears, harlequin ducks, and many others

The birds in Iceland are often relatively tame and allow for close approaches, making for excellent photography opportunities.

Breeding Season

Tours in Iceland are typically scheduled to coincide with the breeding season, offering the chance to observe and photograph birds in their natural habitats as they care for their young. 

This timing provides photographers with the unique opportunity to witness and capture feeding behaviour, nesting, and other intimate moments of the birds’ lives.

Beautiful Landscapes

In addition to its rich birdlife, Iceland is known for its stunning and varied landscapes, including black sand beaches, dramatic cliffs, picturesque fjords, and lush heathlands. 

These natural backdrops create compelling images that blend wildlife and landscapes, enhancing the overall visual impact of the photographs.

Photographers can explore areas like the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, which features moorlands, lakes, and black sand beaches. 

The region also offers opportunities to photograph white-tailed eagles and harlequin ducks. Hrisey Island, on the other hand, is home to large numbers of rock ptarmigan and 40 other species of breeding birds.


While focusing on birds, photographers should also look for Iceland’s mammalian inhabitants, such as the Arctic fox, which can be found in various parts of the country. 

Other mammals like humpback whales and porpoises may also be spotted during ferry crossings to Hrisey Island.

Tour Itinerary

A well-organized itinerary typically includes visits to various top bird photography spots nationwide. 

For instance, the Snaefellsnes Peninsula offers opportunities to photograph white-tailed eagles and harlequin ducks. 

Credits: White-tailed eagle (Kurts Warbirds & Wildlife – Getty) 

Harlequin Duck (Morag Jones)

Hrisey Island provides excellent bird photography opportunities, including black-tailed godwits, common redshanks, snipe, and more. The island is also known for its large population of rock ptarmigan.

Lake Myvatn is a premier destination for waterfowl photography, including unique species like Barrow’s goldeneyes and Eurasian wigeon. 

Credits: Barrow’s Goldeneye – Blair Dudeck (macaulaylibrary)

Eurasian Wigeon – Christoph Moning (macaulaylibrary)

Photographers can also capture images of common and red-throated loons, horned grebes, and numerous other species. The area is also home to Gyrfalcon, Merlin, and short-eared owls.


Iceland offers comfortable accommodation options for wildlife photographers, with most tours including stays in 3- and 4-star hotels. 

Accommodations for wildlife photography tours must be carefully chosen to provide convenient access to prime photography spots. 

Some remote locations, such as the East Coast, may have limited options with shared bathrooms, which are often balanced by the extraordinary photography opportunities available.

Cost and Logistics

The cost of a wildlife photography tour in Iceland typically includes lodging, meals, transportation within Iceland, guidance, and instruction. Travelers should be prepared for additional expenses such as airfare, tips, drinks, and personal items. 

Activity Level

Most tours involve easy to moderate walking on flat ground, making them accessible for photographers of different fitness levels. The tours by wildlife photography companies are designed to maximize photography opportunities while ensuring the safety and comfort of participants.


A well-planned photography tour to Iceland in 2024 offers an unparalleled opportunity to capture the country’s stunning wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. 

The diverse range of bird species, including the iconic Atlantic puffin, the majestic white-tailed eagle, and the mammalian inhabitants like Arctic foxes and humpback whales, create an abundance of photographic subjects. 

Photographers can capture intimate moments of birds and other wildlife in their natural habitats by scheduling tours to coincide with the breeding season.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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