Please Pray for my “FAMILY” and especially David

Please Pray for my “FAMILY” and especially David

Prayers needed

Please Pray for my “FAMILY” and especially David. As today the unthinkable happened and David was let go from his job. And I am scared and confused and not sure why it happened. And Charlie feels the same way I do. And neither of us are  sure what to say to David.

But this is the second time since we have been married that this has happened. Only the first time David was unemployed for a year. But his parents was able to help us out with the bills. And this time they can not. And there is no, one that can help us.

And since we do not know what God has in store for us I am terrified. And all I can say is “I don’t want to be out on the STREETS”!! And right now I am afraid that might be what will happen. And if it does there is no where for us to go.

So today I lay aside my fear and I hand it over to the “LORD”. Because I know that nothing happens without a reason. And that the Lord doesn’t close one door without opening another. So Lord I lay my worries in your lap.

In Jesus name,

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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