Puberty: Social and Emotional Changes that Your Child Goes through

                                            Puberty: Social and Emotional Changes that Your Child Goes through

Almost all families go through a peculiar individual phase when their child is going through the stage of puberty or adolescence. Each is unique therefore the way each of them adjusts to or cope with this phase varies from person to person. Some of the families can extend a right amount of care, patience, and support to their children during this phase whereas some fail miserably because of lack of knowledge and understanding. A significant number of natural changes that are healthy happens to your child during the stage of puberty. These changes that are psychological, emotional and physical are the signs that point out that your little one is moving from the scene of childhood to adolescence.

What is puberty?

When a child’s body starts growing into that of an adult, we can say that he/she is going through the stage of puberty. Puberty or the maturation of an individual sexually starts happening when a chemical signal referred to as the gonadotropin-releasing hormone begins to be secreted by the hypothalamus in the human body. This signal causes the pituitary gland to release the gonadotropin hormones that are responsible for the growth and development of sexual glands. These glands secrete the sexual hormone called estrogen in girls and testosterone in boys. Glands, in turn, causes the development of sexual characteristics that are secondary like development of breasts, underarm and pubic hair in girls and muscle mass, and facial hair in boys and the sexual desires in both boys and girls.

When does puberty happen?

Though the age at which puberty begins and ends will vary in each, it usually happens between the ages of 9 and 15 for boys and 7 and 13 for girls. It often occurs over some years, and it could happen earlier or later in some children.

Late onset of puberty

The delayed onset of puberty or delayed puberty is when the body of a boy or girl fails to mature at the time expected, and there is also a delay in the sexual maturation. Most of the time the development usually happens but takes a while to do so.


  • Medical conditions that are chronic
  • Imbalance in hormones
  • Disorder in the intake of food
  • Excessive workouts
  • Infections
  • Genetic issues
  • Presence of tumors
  • Chemotherapy and radiations


  • Different kinds of laboratory tests
  • Physical examination
  • X-ray of bones
  • In some instances- analysis of chromosomes


Depending on the cause of delay in puberty the therapy given varies, and a replacement therapy of hormones is one of the most common treatment methods used.

Puberty and social changes

Being more independent

Children, as they go through the stage of puberty, tend to become more independent regarding things like how they spend their time, with whom you spend time with, usage of money, how they reach different places and so on.


During this stage, most of the young people are trying to figure out where they fit in, who they are, and why we are the way they are. Changes can see in the friends they choose the clothes they wear, the music they listen to and many other things.

Looking for new and different experiences

Searching out for new and different experiences is quite common among kids going through the stages of puberty. However, sometimes it could be risky too. They are looking for ways to express themselves as an individual and to be accepted as one.

Being more responsible

Children also tend to become more accountable both at home and school as they go through the stage of puberty.

Influence of others

A child going through this stage is mostly influenced by his/her peer groups or friends. A family that supports the child going through this stage with patience can continue to be an influence while taking important decisions.

Morals and values

It is during this stage that a child begins to develop a stronger set of morals and values and a family can be of good influence to shape it in the right way.

Puberty and emotional changes

  • Strong feelings and intense emotions
  • Mood variations
  • Better understanding and sensitivity towards others
  • Being self-conscious
  • Struggles with decision making

The family especially the parents and friends do have a significant role in helping a child develop the right social skills and emotions. A strong and healthy relationship is necessary for the proper development of children.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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