Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Sharkee and the Teddy Bear

A review for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Children’s book Sharkee and the Teddy Bear which I was sent to review in exchange for this post. The thoughts in the post are all mine and my families and no, one else.

Before I even sat down to read this new book, I knew it would be the perfect book for our Family for five different reasons.

1) Charlie and David like sharks

2) I love Teddy Bears, and in the past, I collected them

3) I knew this new book would be a story my family would enjoy

4) It’s the perfect Gift for my nieces and nephew.

5) We could use it in our Homeschooling class for Studies on the Ocean, Sharks or even Fish.

Once Sharkee and the Teddy Bear arrived, and I looked at the cover I fell in love with the illustrations and the colors they used on the cover. Charlie liked the picture of the Shark, and he says it is a friendly shark as it looks like it’s smiling. Both Charlie and I loved the Teddy Bear and knowing its brown as it’s our favorite color of bears.

Charlie and I read Sharkee and the Teddy Bear we were able to discuss the different animals and look them up online to use in a report in our Homeschooling class. Also, Charlie was able to draw the animals for his art class. I watched Charlie sit down to read the story to my grandson, and he didn’t struggle at all which was nice to see.

Both boys sat down until Charlie finished reading and was quiet, so I knew they both enjoyed the story a lot. Once Charlie was finished reading the new book he asked me if there were other books like it I could get him for school. I let both Charlie and David know the book was from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! which surprised them both and they didn’t realize they offered children’s books.

Sharkee and the Teddy Bear

Brand new picture books from Ripley’s feature fun and engaging stories around two favorite Ripley’s Aquarium mascots-Sharkee the sand tiger shark and Bremner the pufferfish. Filled with expressive illustrations, silly situations, and lovable characters, kids and parents alike will be enchanted by each of these charming “tails”!

A teddy bear has fallen into the ocean, but there were witnesses. And they want the teddy bear. Join Sharkee and his sassy sidekick as they search for the bear, stopping to ask all sorts of marine animals along the way with varying degrees of silliness. Told from Sharkee’s point of view, this bubbly tail will have young readers giggling at Sharkee’s hilarious encounters and parents entertained by the adorable ending. Will Sharkee ever find the teddy bear? There’s only one way to find out!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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