Shoplet Review for SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox

Shoplet Review for SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox

Today I would like to let you know I am conducting a review for Shoplet. On the SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inox. Which Shoplet sent me for free to conduct the review on. But the thoughts in this review are all mine and my families.

Steelmaster Lockit Desktop

S o as a parent there are  papers that come in the mail that I do not want lost. Or may not want others to see. So with the SteelMaster Lockit Desktop Inbox I know have a place to keep these papers without someone seeing them. As I can place them inside and lock the box and go on with the things I need to do. Plus I do not have to worry about the getting misplaced or drinks or food spilled on them.

Plus as a Blogger I always get instructions for the items I review and now I will be able to keep all the papers in one place. Which will keep me more organized and allow me to save time. As I will not have to spend time looking for the papers. Or emailing clients asking them questions that I should have the answers to.

But I will not be using my SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox for any of those reasons. But to keep the tests and answers for Charlies school inside my LockIt as it means I will not have to worry about Charlie getting ahold of the test and copying the answers. Or for him to hide the test. Or to get ahold of his grading book and changing the grades as kids do sometimes. Nor will be able to get ahold of the report card I fill out to give to David. Because sometimes Charlie gets mad and frustrated and tears things up. Which is a part of ADHD so to be better prepared for these things I know have my SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox.

Plus with the top shelf Charlie will have a place to place the papers he completes for me to grade. Or I can put the day’s work in it for Charlie to pick up and do. Or leave notes for David. Or we can place the day’s mail in it. As well as the bills that needs paid.

Or if I worked in a normal office I could use the SteelMaster LocIt Desktop Inbox to keep my desk more organized and clean. And if I had a boss it would be a nice Gift to give them to keep their desk clean as well. Plus I like that it holds both big and small envelopes which would work perfectly for the paperwork David’s mom uses in his dad’s trucking company. And it would keep the invoices all in one place.

I like knowing SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox comes with 2 keys as I could keep one on my keychain and leave one in the house. For David if he needed to get inside the box and I wasn’t home. Or if I lost or misplaced my keys which I seem to do a lot. But hey, I usually find them.

So if you would like to purchase your own Steelmaster LockIt Desktop Inbox you can find it on Shoplet at Shoplet STEELMASTER-LockIt-Desktop-Inbox

And once you check out Shoplet for the SteelMaster LockIt Desktop Inbox also look around at all the office supplies they carry. As they have all you need to keep your office running smoother. And you can order and have the office supplies delivered which will save you time and money Office Supplies

Thank you from the Cates Family




  • Lockable compartment provides privacy and security for confidential items such as interoffice mail envelopes, file folders, delivery sleeves and more.
  • Inbox provides storage and stacking of standard mail and deliveries.
  • Durable steel construction with a scratch- and chip-resistant finish.

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