Some Helpful Tips To Better Secure Your Home

Better home security is possible for all of us – here are some tips to achieve it.

Does Having A Burglar Alarm Make Any Kind Of Difference?

The answer to this is, “yes.” Typically, thieves go for the lowest-hanging fruit. A thief generally wants to take the least amount of risk for the highest reward. Because of this, an alarm system can help to deter threats. Any property that has a visible security system is going to be much less likely to be targeted. Whether it’s security lighting or a full-blown security system. These properties will be better protected against opportunistic thieves that are looking for a quick and easy score. However, if you don’t have a newer system in place, it might not deter thieves as well as you’d like. If your system is old and rusted, a thief may consider it worth the risk. Having a distinctive and quality having a Safeguard alarm sounder on your property is a good way to send a crystal clear message to potential thieves that you’ve taken your property’s security seriously.

2. What Do These Thieves Generally Look For?

A lot of prospective thieves and burglars are going to look for signs that the property is a low-risk target. These could include:

– Bins left out on the curb when everyone else’s is placed back on their respective properties.

– Houses that have no lights on for days.

– Houses that don’t have any vehicles in the driveway.

– Houses with open windows.

– Houses that have poorly secured patio doors.

– Houses that have no visible security system in place.

3. What Steps Can I Take To Better Secure My Property?

One of the first things you should be doing is investing in a high-quality door. You also want high-quality windows. You want both of these things to be quality and secured before you leave the house at all times. Never leave your vehicle’s keys on the table next to your door. There have been many cases of thieves using hooks to grab visible keys to pull them through your mailslot. In these cases, they could either gain access to your home or steal your vehicle.

Try to invest in some smart technology or timer switches for your lights. This can help you appear to look like you are home when you could be on vacation or at work. You also want to ensure that all of your tools at placed in your garage when you aren’t using them. This includes ladders that thieves could potentially use against you.

Be wary if you have random people calling at your door. They very well could be checking your property out before making their way back. If you do have a suspicion of people at your doorstep, you could always ring your local Police. You might also want to consider this. How would you regain entry to your home if you left your keys locked inside? 

If you don’t already have a quality security system in place, installing a Border Safeguard alarm system could be your ticket to a more secure home.

A gated property is a deterrent to thieves since it adds an additional level of security to your home, it can also save you on insurance. are a popular addition to many homes.

4. What If I Go On Vacation?

Your home can be a major target when you go on vacation. Everything that would normally be delivered should be paused during your vacation. This is one of the easiest ways to tell someone isn’t home. You also want to ensure that you install automated lights with timers or smart lighting to make it appear like someone is home. You could always ask one of your fellow neighbors to keep an eye on your home too. Perhaps ask them to bring your bins up and down on collection day.

You’ll also want to ensure that your alarm is set. You also want to check that all of your windows and doors are completely shut and locked. Another big thing that you should be doing before leaving is checking to ensure that your home insurance is paid off and up-to-date. That way, if you do get burglarized, you are covered.

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