If My Step-Daughter Has Children

If my step-daughter Leslie has children they may be raised in the Military. As Leslie’s  husband Toby just went into the Service and will be finishing his Boot Camp soon. Once he completes it they will be told where they will be stationed. Then Leslie will leave to join Toby. I am both happy and sad for Leslie. As we will miss her a lot but it is time for them to begin there life together.

As I think about Leslie and Toby starting their life together I wonder if they will have children of there own. As Leslie doesn’t mind children but she likes other peoples so she can send them home once she is tired of them.

So even though we do not know if Leslie will ever have children I knew that as I checked out the classes in the 2016 Digital Homeschool Convention that I wanted to watch “Homeschooling in the Military” so I could help Leslie with anything she needs if they do have children and decide to Homeschool.

There is one thing I can tell you about “Homeschooling In The Military” is even if you’re not in the Military and do not know anyone who is I would still recommend you attend this class as I picked up some fantastic tips I can use in our Homeschooling classroom.

Meet Laura Prater

Laura Prater is a long time Army wife, her husband just retired after 20 years Active Duty this past July. She, her husband, and family are still very active in the military community. Laura is an area volunteer for National Military Family Association and also contributes occasionally to Military One Click as part of their Blogger Brigade. In addition to all this Laura is a homeschool mom to their three boys.

You can find Laura and Clay writing about homeschool, faith, military life, and much more at:


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 Have a child w/ #ADHD? Wonder if YOU can #homeschool?  Learn how at the FREE Convention http://ow.ly/vXJy3023PA6 #ad
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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