Summer Skin Routine Does Wonder for The Skin!

As the summer season is turning a new leaf every day regarding temperature, it is vital to be vigilant about the skin routine we follow to take care of the skin during this hot-humid climate correctly.

We know how good a tan skin look makes us during summers and we have the freedom to flaunt our body, unlike the winter season. However, during winters, the dryness keeps on reminding us that your body needs some extra care, but that is not the case during summers. In fact, the body during summers is softer and less itchy. To ensure your summer skin is flawless too, following a skin regime is advisable.

We are immensely tickled pink to share with the world what to include in your summer beauty regime.

A Summer Skin Routine That Will Do Wonder for Your Skin

Avert SunBeds:

How cold the body looks with all that tan! However, what you must be ignoring to attain that sexy tan look is the chances of suffering from cancer. Tanning beds expose your skin to UV rays much more than the actual sun rays, which eventually damages the skin and causes fatal diseases. If you are so fond of a tan look, then we suggest you to DIY; use some lotion. Before applying these lotions to your body, make sure to read the ingredient section on the bottle to understand that no harmful ingredient is a part of your skin routine. Also, if you are a perfume person then refrain from synthetic perfumes and those having methylparaben as an ingredient.

Often Peel Dead-skin Off:

During the summer season, the skin becomes dull due to dust, pollution, and hot weather. We recommend personally to peel off dead skin at least twice a week and shed all the dead skin from your face and allows you to look vibrant, fresh, and flawless in your skin during the summers too. It also reduces the signs of aging as it automatically heals the surface when frequently done.

Never Miss The Sunscreen & Serum:

Applying sunscreen would not be as effective as using it after a serum during the summers. If you’re going for a sunscreen directly, its positive effects will not be seen on your face the way it should be. If you are not sure which face serum should you go for then pick it by the ranking of the best face serums. A brilliant tip before going for any sunscreen; do not buy SPF with higher numbers, they do no good to your skin, in fact, a lower percentage of SPF can be a lot more beneficial. Also, if it is a rainy day or a cloudy day during the summer season, then do not assume that there is no need for a sunscreen today. Always apply these before leaving home with Sunless Tanning Lotion.

Take Proper Sleep:

Well, this pointer is crucial as we live in an era where people have time to do everything but have no time to let their bodies heal themselves. Unfortunately,  the hazardous effects of lack of sleep get noticeable at a very young age. Lack of sleep is directly related to stress, and it stops the generation of collagen without which our skin always look weary and drained. To help your body recover itself, ensure to sleep at least 6-7 hours per day; but of course, by keeping cell phones or laptops at bay.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized:

We know, summers do not make you feel the need of applying a moisturizer. However, even the doctors recommend keeping the skin moisturized during the summers for great skin effects. Consistency plays a significant role in life, and this also pays you well if you apply the moisturizer daily even if you feel no difference in your skin on a daily basis. Nothing works in a day. However, this can save your skin from a lot of future damage if applied on a regular basis. Adding aloe vera to your skin routine can keep the skin hydrated and give a calm, soothing effect during the summer times.

Drinking Water Has Its Benefits:

Finally, apart from these, drinking excess of water is what will pay you off well during summers. We all know our body needs to be always hydrated and the summer heat does not let the body stay in that state for long. So, to gift yourself that glowy look, have at least four liters of water daily and keep it hydrated as much as you can.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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