Texas Pinners Convention features The Hear Rock Guy

Walking through Texas Pinners Convention with Davd I heard a word that stopped me in my tracks “SUICIDE”. I let David know the booth was surrounded by people. I started to walk on but I could feel the “LORD” telling me I needed to get information. As soon as I told David I hear suicide he couldn’t get to the booth fast enough to get a card.

Mind you we had no, clue what Take Heart Rocks were about or why the “LORD’ was leading us to his site but I felt peaceful once David handed me the card. I knew the reason I was drawn to this gentleman was because it had something to do with David’s son Travis who is Bi-Polar. Travis tried to take his own life in the past and still struggles at times. Also, I wanted Charlie to research the business in our Home Economics Homeschool Class.

Everyone went to bed last night and I opened the bag with the cards I had collecting searching for Take Heart Rocks. As soon as I found the card I went to look up his website. Here is what I discovered. Before I share his story I would like to let you know this was a Godwin because I collect hearts and Charlie collects rocks and Travis has considered suicide so I know the LORD led us here and for us to share this amazing site with you.

MY GOAL: Save one Life by Preventing a death by suicide

Heart rocks are physical reminders of the truth that you matter, you are seen, you are loved, and you are not alone. Keep it for as long as you need it, and when you are ready, pass it on.

Why Heart Rocks?

In early 2019, as an emergency substitute teacher on a reservation in Washington, my heart broke for my students. Many of them lost family members to suicide. Many grieved for months and I didn’t know how to help them.

I began giving them naturally-shaped heart rocks I found on the beach. I would tell them something like, “I hope every time you see your heart rock it reminds you that you matter, you are loved, and seen, and you are never alone.”

When I couldn’t find any more heart rocks on the beach, I began making them.

I wondered: What would happen if I gave all 168 of my students a heart rock?

I spent a month making enough hearts, and after I gave them out, I witnessed about half of my students keep it as a treasured keepsake, an artifact of kindness, a reminder that they are loved. The rest, took them home and gave them to a family member, friend, or someone they knew was struggling.

I thought, “If 168 heart rocks brought about this much good, surely more hearts would create more opportunity for much, much more good.”

Then, on Thanksgiving day, 2019, one of my family members died by suicide.

I swore in my grief I would do anything in my power to save a life by preventing a death by suicide. I remembered the heart rocks. I decided then and there I would dedicate my life to flooding the world with heart rocks.

I began with my immediate family, then extended family, neighbors, community, local schools, Uvalde, etc.

I hope one of these heart rocks is used to help save one life by preventing a death by suicide.

I believe good people will use them to deepen friendships, strengthen family ties, and to reach out to anyone they notice needs a little reminder that they are loved.

Please donate or shop from him if you can.

Share his story!!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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