Thanksgiving activities for kids

Thanksgiving is celebrated every 26th day of November in many countries including the United States. It started as a day to show gratitude and sacrificing to be blessed with a good harvest for the current and following years. Thanksgiving is marked as a Public Holiday.

Image result for Family Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner

The American occasion is especially wealthy in legend and imagery and the annual celebration of Thanksgiving feast regularly involves Turkey, Bread Stuffing, Potatoes, Cranberries, and Pumpkin Pie. This occasion is regularly the busiest of the year, as families and their relatives gather to dine together. 

What are Fun Activities Children can Do for Thanksgiving? 

Improve camaraderie by preparing meals. Thanksgiving supper might be the hardest time for your children to be separated from relatives who aren’t in your gathering during isolation, such as the grandparents. So keep your attention on activities before eating, whsmell of flame or set up the same fragrant dish and make a mutual playlist to use as ambient sounds. 

Turkey Egg Hunt. Bring the previous Spring’s plastic Easter eggs out of the storeroom for this Thanksgiving for children. Put some sweets, small treats or paper slips with jokes written on them ears—inside the eggs. The adults will hide the turkey eggs around the house for the children to find them.

Image result for image of a turkey egg hunt

Put up an appreciation bowl. Have everyone in the family and other relatives to start this activity half a month prior to Thanksgiving. Every day, every individual composes something they’re thankful for on a piece of paper and adds it to their family bowl. You can read each note during your virtual Thanksgiving.

Send Thanksgiving care bundles. Mail or drop off treats and supplies to help visitors to make them feel like they are part of the celebration. Since you can’t swarm around one table to indulge in a pumpkin pie, perhaps you and your children can heat pumpkin biscuits and drop them off on doorsteps.

Add another trick on a pot of luck. Since you will all be eating in different houses, you can request everyone to bring something to present – like a short toast or most loved family photograph to virtually share. 

Say your Thanksgiving Resolution. This can be essential for your virtual party, or simply a calm discussion with your children to finish the day. What do your children wish to learn, try or accomplish for the next Thanksgiving? This is a great method to remind them that we as a whole have a ton to anticipate on the opposite side of this pandemic.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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