I was online looking around at other blogs this week and  I found a new challenge. The new challenge is being hosted by Brave Love Blog. The challenge is called  THE 2016 BLOG-TEMBER CHALLENGE. This is the second year  THE 2016 BLOG-TEMBER CHALLENGE has taken place. I didn’t know about The Blog-Tember Challenge last year so this is my first year to join in.

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The Blog-Tember Challenge challenge runs from now until September 30th and there are daily prompts so you are not too late to enter. As I am just now getting started and I would like to invite you to Please come join us. Let’s make some new friends and have fun. As well as find new blogs to follow as you never know what you will see when you join in these challenges.

Welcome to my corner of the internet, y’all! I’m a believer, blogger, and big dreamer with a story to tell. I’m also a grad student with a passion for theatre, traveling, and creative living. I live on sweet tea and scripture, and I share those adventures right here at Brave Love.


That’s right, Y’all. It’s back again! No matter how random my weekly posting has been over the past two years, each September I’ve gotten my stuff together (and so many of you have, too!) and write every day for ONE MONTH. Call me crazy, but even with my first year of teaching starting next week, I’m doing it again, and I’m inviting you to join in with me! To what, you may ask?
September 1 – 30, 2016
The Blog-tember Challenge is a daily link up that will begin September 1st. That’s only three short weeks away, y’all! Below I have provided a prompt for every day of the upcoming month and each day you will be able to link up with everyone participating. Typically, you link a blog post, but if you don’t have a blog and want to join via Instagram you totally can! (I still HIGHLY encourage the blog portion though! It’s more… well, challenging!) It’s mid-August, I know, but I wanted to share these ahead of time so you can write whenever you’d like! I’m doing my best to get 75% pre-scheduled because ya know,

Thursday, Sept. 1: Introduce yourself however you like! Pics, vlog, college, your choice 🙂
Friday, Sept. 2: Share a list of your current goals.
Saturday, Sept. 3: Now that summer’s at an end, share a list of favorites from the season!
Sunday, Sept. 4: What are you up to currently? Monday, Sept. 5: What was your most memorable birthday?
Tuesday, Sept. 6: Create a playlist. What you’re listening to now, what encourages you, holiday favorites, etc.
Wednesday, Sept. 7: Five things that bring you joy.
Thursday, Sept. 8: A house/apartment/room tour! Give us a glimpse of your space.
Friday, Sept. 9: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
Saturday, Sept. 10: A day in your life! Take us through it with you by sharing a photo each hour of the day.
Sunday, Sept. 11: Roundup of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow?
Monday, Sept. 12: Three books! One you just read, one you’re currently reading, and one you want to read.
Tuesday, Sept. 13: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Why?
Wednesday, Sept. 14: Make a mood board! Are you brainstorming a room re-do, a capsule wardrobe, or already planning for the holidays? Show us your ideas!
Thursday, Sept. 15: What is the craziest adventure you’ve ever been on?
Friday, Sept. 16: How do you de-stress/take care of yourself?
Saturday, Sept. 17: Vlogging day! Record a vlog about anything you like!
Sunday, Sept. 18: One product that simplifies your life.
Monday, Sept. 19: A list of your favorite blog posts you’ve written.
Tuesday, Sept. 20: Something you wish more people knew or believed.
Wednesday, Sept. 21: If you were a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be? Why?
Thursday, Sept. 22: Fall favorites. Share your must-haves for this season.
Friday, Sept. 23: A family recipe (if grandma allows, of course!).
Saturday, Sept. 24: Recreate an outfit or a project from another blogger. Be sure to link back to the source!
Sunday, Sept. 25: Review something! A place, a book, a service, a product. Anything at all!
Monday, Sept. 26: Grab a guest post. Let’s have a friend share our space for the day. 
Tuesday, Sept. 27: Something that made you laugh or cry recently. It could be a video, a picture, a post, a memory. Anything that moved you.
Wednesday, Sept. 28: The top five pictures that illustrate your year so far.
Thursday, Sept. 29: Your Fab Five. Share your favorite bloggers/besties and tell us what you love about them! Share a link and give a shout out.
Friday, Sept. 30: Picture this, you’ve been stopped on the street by the photographer of Humans of New York, and he asks, “What advice would you give to a large group of people?” Share a picture of yourself along with the advice.

Now the invitation. Won’t you join me for the #blogtemberchallenge?  I know the idea of posting every day can seem overwhelming, but with a little planning, it can be totally manageable. Feel free to follow one of the prompts, all of the prompts, or none of them. Some have followed the challenge Monday through Friday, taking weekends off, but do whatever you like! The main goal is to get us all writing together, and we may as well learn more about our favorite bloggers and get to know new ones while we do it!

There really are no rules to this. I have provided a button that links back to the prompt page for ease of access, and I will offer a link-up at the end of each of my posts. If you share your posts on Twitter or Instagram, be sure to hashtag #blogtemberchallenge so we can all follow along! If you’re in, let your readers know what’s coming up and give them the opportunity to join in as well.

Report back here on Thursday, September 1, with your first update! 

 Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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