The Civil Rights Movement Grows

Here is this weeks Kids Discover Free Topics. Charlie and I plan on looking into these resources to use in our classroom. Visit Kids Discover website for other resources you and your students can use.

The Civil Rights Movement Grows

On August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million people joined the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke here. His moving call for equality has echoed through the year

The Origin of Engines

Engines give people the power to do what was once only possible in myths and dreams. Thanks to engines, you can fly halfway across the world in half a day.

                                                                                                  Fossils from the Ice Age

How do we know what Ice Age mammals looked like? There are no photos or descriptions. The mammals died out before humans came up with a way to write things down. Most of what we know comes from fossil bones and skulls that are tens of thousands of years old.

  Franklin’s Kite Experiment 

Franklin is probably most famous for his kite experiment. As the story goes, he and his son flew a silk kite on a long cord when the sky was full of black clouds.

Declaration of War

Once they came to power, both Hitler and Mussolini took total control of their nations. Elections ended. Newspapers that spoke out against the dictators were closed.

Now, I have a question for you what resources are you teaching your students this year and why? Was there anything special they asked to learn and if so are you allowing them to learn it?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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