The Glucosamine supplement works wonders for dogs with joint problems

The Glucosamine supplement works wonders for dogs with joint problems

Most of you dog and pet lovers have come across Glucosamine supplements at your pet supply store or medical facilities. Glucosamine for dogs is a supplement that supports and takes care of  the joint health of dogs suffering from arthritis. Glucosamine supplements are top-rated and recommended by vets all around the world.  

Arthritis and similar joint disorders

It’s not just us, the humans! Our beloved pet friends also suffer from most of the diseases and disorders we suffer from. Arthritis is a progressive, debilitating disease which leads to a loss in the range of motion of a joint, stiffness and permanent lameness. Events like injury, overload, and stress along with weight issues might lead to arthritis, but it is usually a disorder which we usually associate with old age in pets.  

What is affected?

Joints are usually built the same way all over the animal kingdom. Bones are generally covered by a thin layer of cartilage which acts as the shock absorb-er due to its spongy nature. The cartilage is responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the bones during its lifespan of wear and tear. Around the bone and cartilage in the synovial fluid which increases the mobility of the joint by lubricating it.

What happens in arthritis?

If your dog is suffering from arthritis, chances are the cartilage and synovial fluid system has broken down in the affected joints due to pressure, trauma or general wear and tear. Keep a lookout for stiff and uncomfortable movements and posture.   

But the good news is the progression of arthritis is slow. Thus you have time on your side to allow the body to heal on its own. That is where Glucosamine supplement plays its role in speeding up the healing process.

What is Glucosamine?

Chemically speaking, Glucosamine is a natural compound made of sugar; glucose and an amino acid; the Glutamic acid. Most of the vertebrates produce glut-amine including humans and dogs too! Supplements supplied externally will increase the levels of this compound in the body thereby speeding up the healing process by replacing worn out cartilage and synovial fluid.

Glucosamine supplements are usually extracted from the crab, lobster or shrimp shells, and since it’s a naturally occurring compound, there are entirely no side effects except mild allergies and frequent urination and thirst.

Symptoms to look out for

Look out for the following symptoms to tell you if your dog needs Glucosamine supplements;

  • Stiffness
  • Irritability
  • Abnormal gait and posture
  • Inability to run, jump and climb stairs
  • Lethargy for walking and exercise, standing
  • Pain in joints; visible swelling of affecting joints
  • Intermittent lameness or permanent change in gait

It is heartbreaking to watch a pet suffer from arthritis and joint pain as they get older. The joy of living, snuggling, and playing goes away. Help your pet till the end and increase the quality of life as much as you can. Make Glucosamine supplements a part of your pet’s medicine cabinet right away.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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