Three Most Common Mental Health Issues Every Man Faces by Dr. Martin Polanco

Three Most Common Mental Health Issues Every Man Faces by Dr. Martin Polanco

Good health may refer to physical and mental well-being. These mental health issues iare quite common in the world. People may encounter these issues during various life stages, very common can be for the soldiers during their military service or for professional people. Those can be problems that can lead to suicide or problems that can be very destructive in the family and the workplace.

Some men may experience these issues during their teenage age. Other issues can be due to abnormal psychological trauma that some men might have experienced in childhood and adolescence. These issues can lead them to feel rage against themselves and others, abuse alcohol or drugs, have major depression and anxiety, have low self-esteem, and have suicidal tendencies. The three most common mental health issues men typically face, and these are:


Anxiety is a state of unease or a generalized feeling of fear and dread. People who experience anxiety disorder may feel anxiety about objects, situations, or occurrences. They may experience feelings ranging from mild concern to intense panic attacks involving shaking, sweating, elevated heart rate, breathing difficulties, etc.


Depression is a mood disorder that occurs when your feelings of joy, interest in life, and ability to enjoy activities are replaced with sadness and loss of interest. It is normal for your emotions to change from time to time. However, according to Dr. Martin Polanco, if the symptoms persist for at least a couple of weeks, it may indicate a depressive disorder. 

Post-Traumatic Stress

The condition is a mental disorder that occurs following a distressful event caused by exposure to a life-threatening situation or events. Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD has been diagnosed as an anxiety disorder. However, this disorder is different from anxiety disorders related to traumatic events. It may also be described as an emotional response to a traumatic experience.

How Mental Should Patients Be Treated? – By Dr. Martin Polanco

According to Dr. Martin Polanco, patients with mental issues should be cared for properly as they require special attention. For better and fast recovery of mentally disturbed patients, here are some ways describing how they should be treated.

The first step in taking care of a patient’s mental state is assessing their current mental status. This can be done by evaluating some simple tests. This test can consist of some basic questions or queries regarding their personal life and their lifestyle.

Monitor their regular activities and check for regular improvements. Many patients have small-term trauma, which can be treated effectively with little attention and proper medications.

Providing them a nutritious diet as the right diet can greatly impact their faster recovery. Also, according to Dr. Martin Polanco, a right with the right mediation is the key to a good recovery.

These are some of the ways in which you can recover fast and effective recovery of your mental patients. In addition, proper clinical care with the right nutritious diet can contribute to greater results in lesser time.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

mental health issues

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