Time for a question as I feel like a FAILURE!!

Time for a question as I feel like a FAILURE!!

Charlie and Debbie

Yes, I admit it I “Feel like a FAILURE”. In more than one way. So I thought it would be time for a questions as I feel like a failure more and more. Especially this month and the past couple weeks. As I seem to let so many things go. And I just do not know how to fix them. And I know I need help and I need it now.

As I can not seem to get all the things done I need to do not only on the blog, but the house and also in Homeschooling Charlie. So today I wanted to ask how you all get everything done. And still have time for your family.

Because even though I sit down to Homeschool Charlie my mind is not on it. As it is on the house and what needs done in it. Or what I should be doing on the blog and why it isn’t getting done. And if I am working on the blog then I feel like I am neglecting Charlie and his schoolwork. And just spending time with him.

Or the house isn’t getting done the way it needs to. And I depend on David more and more to keep it clean and to make dinner. Even though I know he is tired. And needs to rest when he comes home from work. Especially since he hasn’t been feeling well and will not go to the doctor.

And though all this my eyes has been hurting more and things are blurry and I see a spot in front of one of my eyes. And I haven’t told David this as I do not want to stress him out more than he already is. So I just sit and wait till Saturday when we are getting our eyes examined and I am scared to death of what they are going to tell me. Because my mom had a eye condition and right before she passed away she had gone Blind. And I do not want this to happen to me. As I want to see Charlie grow up.

And then the past two weeks my dad has been here and I am grateful for that. But he is like a small child since his stroke and I have to stop and wait on him. And if I ask him to wait for something he gets upset. And that causes even more drama in our home. And it is something Charlie doesn’t need to witness. So all I keep saying is to both David and Charlie is that dad is getting older and this may be his last visit. And we only have this many more days till he returns home. And he may never come back. And even my dad has said that numerous times this week and it is why he came to stay.

And I am more than frustrated with my sister as she knew my dad was going to be here and had plenty of vacation time at work. And could take off to spend time with him. But she doesn’t. She goes in at 6am or 7am and stays at work till 6pm or later even though she doesn’t have to. Then comes here to eat. And leaves without even asking if she can buy groceries, or help clean the kitchen. And I know she is taking advantage of me and so does David. But once again because I do not want to rock the boat I do not say anything. And it just stresses me out more. And I just do not know what to do.

And I am getting further and further behind in work and I just do not know how to change things. And I need some advice on how to fix things here. And how to get back on track. And to get the blog back on track and moving forward. Because before we know it this year will be gone and I do not want to backslide. I want to grow and continue to grow. And to be able to conduct another Christmas Gift Guide and the way things are going right now I may not be able to do one as my stats stink. And I wasn’t able to spend as much time on the Easter Guide as I needed to. Even though I did a awesome job on the Valentines Guide and last years Christmas Guide.

So Please help me out here before I lose my mind and tell me how to fit in everything I need to do. But more than that help me become a better teacher for Charlie. And if you have tips for me Please help me out. And if you have items you use for 2nd or 3rd grade Please come share them with me as I am at a complete loss as to what we should be learning in school.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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