Tips to Stay Healthy, Safe, and Fit during Winter Months

Tips to Stay Healthy, Safe, and Fit during Winter Months

Winter season can be soothing and exciting. You may be planning for winter trips, family dinners, or gift sharing, etc. during this time. With all these in hand, it is very much possible that one may lose focus on taking good care of yourself and your health during this season.

It is also noted that many people end up in a drop in their motivation level once the holiday season gets over. Some start to experience anxiousness and depression too. Others tend to set aside their healthy habits and diet plans during the season. They also tend to sacrifice their exercise to be on the couch.

With shorter daylight and colder weather all the times, people may not have enough motivation to stay healthy and fit. This may further end up in weakening the immune system and put them in a great risk of developing ailments. No wonder why they used to call it winter blues. Apart from these, the colder weather itself poses many safety risks to humans. Let’s discuss some healthy winter habits which will help uphold your health and witness during winter seasons.

Diet and exercise

Weather-related injuries are much of a possibility during the winter season. Another big risk is the lack of proper dieting and exercise regimes. So, even being busy making travel plans and finishing up left out tasks at work, don’t forget to prioritize the routine health habits we follow.

The unpleasant and chilly weather may make it difficult to find any motivation to head to a gym or doing outside exercises. People also tend to snack more during the extra time spent indoors, which adversely contributes to your health. All these may come together to add a few additional pounds by the end of the season.

Here are some tips.

A win over your cravings

As per the, winter season weather may also ignite cravings for more carbs and other comfort foods. The serotonin levels may escalate after such delicious treats, which will make your brain happier and carb cravings gets much stronger over time. To tackle this, plan a protein-rich breakfast to keep up a good energy level throughout the day. If you start to feel the craving during the afternoon, keep some healthy, low-fat snacks handy.

Add more Omega 3 fatty acids

These are the much healthier type of fat which is found in many items like plant seeds, nuts, and fish, etc. Omega 3 fatty acids are known for its anti-inflammatory benefits and also help reduce joint pain, which is very likely to happen in the elderly during winter months. These friendly fatty acids also found to help lower inactivity related depression, which people used to feel during the shorter winter days.

Some other quick tips on diet habits are:

  • Try to cook more with mushrooms which have immune-boosting benefits.
  • Consume more soluble fiber as found in oats, nuts, and apple, etc. to help decrease inflammation.
  • Intake more green vegetables and orange fruits to get enough nutrients, fat, and sugars.
  • Cook with more spices like onions, ginger, garlic, or cilantro to add flavor to your dishes.

Along with proper diet, also try to stick to a special winter exercise schedule. If it’s difficult to go outside during heavy winter days, you can try home exercises, and there are plenty of online resources available for you to practice it. You may also try yoga, aerobics, strength training, and lighter weight exercises for winter days to stay fit.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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