Ultimate Blog Challenge 2016 Day 14

A post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge 2016 Day #14. This morning they asked us to share how we relax and unwind? Then we were asked to share a few tips and strategies with you. For me, I will be sharing what I personally do when I want to relax and how I accomplish relaxing in my life.

Breathe Relax Stretch

One thing I do without fail is I make sure every week no matter what else is happening to purchase a book or a magazine. Then in the evenings I make sure and set at least an hour each day aside for myself. I go into my room, and I climb on my bed and I take out my book and I read for that hour. Once I finish reading, I am relaxed and can go to sleep without the world intruding into my life.

If I am having a really bad day I climb into my Garden Tub and I sit and think about the day and the things Charlie and I did. I close my eyes and just rest and relax. As soon as I get out I go into my room; I shut everyone out and climb on my bed and lay there and rest. If I feel like watching TV, I put on a show I enjoy. I watch it and I do not answer the phone or talk to anyone. This is just my time and no, one is allowed to intrude on it.

Although sometimes Charlie does climb into the bed with me and we cuddle and watch TV together or we grab books and read together because being with Charlie all my stress seems to vanish. No, matter how bad my day was it seems to get much better just having one on one time with Charlie.

Image result for sign that says rest and relax

                                                                              Here is are my 5 Tips on how to rest and relax.

  1. First off take the time to Breath, do not talk just focus on a spot and relax.
  2. Grab your favorite drink and snack and find a nice shady spot outside and just breath in the fresh air.
  3. Go and fix a nice warm bath with candles and plenty of bubbles and let the water calm you.
  4.  Go and grab whatever you enjoy doing and spend an hour doing it. It can be reading, sewing, or putting together a puzzle. Do not answer the phone or internet.
  5. Take a walk without any electronics.
  6. BONUS!! Grab babies or children and just sit with them for 10 minutes and share there day with no electronics and just BREATHE! Because one day they will be too big to Cuddle with us.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates



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