Ultimate Blog Challenge 2016 Day 21

We were asked the following question for the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

It’s Like Cookies and Milk

What goes great with your product or service? Brainstorm a list of what works with what you do, and then share it. Recommend other vendors or service providers.

After reading these tips for what to post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge I decided to do a combination post for Blogging and Homeschooling. Because what you might not know is people will do both Homeschooling and Blogging. Because blogging can be used in Homeschooling for writing and art.

  1. Elle Emme of LM Solutions 

a. Business Cards

B Fliers

C Websites and Blogs

D Freebies for Blogs and Homeschooling Classes

E Ebooks for both Blogging and Homeschooling

As you see there are many talented people online and as you’re looking for items for your business or blog think outside the box and find someone that can do both and grow a business rapport with them and challenge them to come up with new and unusual ways to help you grow your business. While showcasing both you and them in new and unusual ways.

As this is a  win-win for you as well as the business owners your working with.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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