Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2018 Day 12

Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2018 Day 12 slowly but surely I am catching up. Today is the 19th although if you here that you might not think I am. But I am trying to stay positive and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other and I will get to the finish line sometime this year.

Here is the prompt for today:

Take a moment and stick your head outside. Is the wind blowing? Are the trees shaking?

In case you did not know it, today is “Big Wind Day!”

Yup! It is true Really. http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/bigwindday.htm – you see, on April 12, 1934, the staff of the Mount Washington Observatory recorded the highest surface wind ever measured, anywhere on earth. This big wind officially recorded at 231 miles per hour.

When I start to brainstorm ideas around Wind, I come up with these ideas:

  • What was the most significant storm? What did you do at the time?
  • How does the wind affect your niche? Is it needed? Does it help?
  • What music do you think of when you think of the Wind? I think about the song, “Windy” by the Association.
  • What is something that is so special in your niche that takes your breath away?

What comes to your mind when you think about Wind??

For me when I heard the word wind the music group Earth, Wind and Fire came to mind. As for a song, it would be Wind Beneath My Wings. Have you heard of either of this things?

You asked me if the wind is blowing this morning and no, it isn’t although if it was, it could help me move through this challenge faster. As for the wind does it help or hinder my niche? I haven’t ever thought about that so as I ponder this question I will let you know my answer in the Future.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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