Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 11

Well finally I am caught up. Thank the Lord and its a perfect day as the prompt says to said “what’s the best dessert you’ve ever eaten”

Let me tell you I didn’t even have to think about what I wanted to share. It was my Grandmother’s Homemade German Chocolate Cake she would make each year for my Birthday.

No, matter how many times I have had this cake it’s never as good as my grannies. Once my granny became sick my mom and Aunt thought they would make it for my Birthday.

Let me tell you they didn’t know what they was doing. You cooked the Icing and they didn’t do that. I ate the cake but let me tell you I was so glad they never made me another one.

The other night I was down and having a hard time coping with everything happening and just overwhelmed with worry. But God knew my needs and surprised me.

My best friend Debbie texted me a recipe for Homemade German Chocolate Cake recipe from her husband Curtis grandmother. I can’t wait to make this cake for Debbie’s Birthday in August.

I might be bad and make it at the end of May for mine and David’s anniversary because German Chocolate Cake is also his favorite and even Charlie likes it.

Noe, I have a task when I am out walking I need to start watching for Pecans and begin cracking hem for my cake. Why buy then when you can get them for free?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

6 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 11”

  1. What is not to like about a good German Chocolate Cake, they were my Dad’s favorite and I will always love them! I am paleo now, so not quite the same, but oh the memories! Thank you!

  2. yum…I like German Chocolate Cake too!!! well, we probably won’t have pecans this year since they dropped like crazy last year. But I’ll keep my eyes open for you as well.

  3. Lifelong connections have been made via the Ultimate Blog Challenge! As you interact with other participants, you may carry that on long after the challenge has completed.

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