Ultimate Blog Challenge: April 29th, 2021

Good morning, welcome to Saturday it’s such a pretty day. I’m so excited to see what the LORD has in store for us. David and Charlie are cleaning the front room while I work a bit sharing the Ultimate Blog Challenge: April 29th, 2021.

Saturday Meme - Funny Saturday Night Pictures

Then I’m going to make Homemade Chicken Strips and Mashed Potatoes with Green Beans for Dinner. So Charlie and I can have lunch with David before he leaves for work.

Then I will be sending Charlie outside to play for a bit unless he chooses to stay inside off his foot. Because while playing #Basketball yesterday Charlie came down on his Ankle and now its hurting.

I know Charlie didn’t break his Ankle and I don’t think it’s Sprained I just think he bruised it.. But if you know Charlie like I do he has to milk it. Until his friends come then he will be all better.

What can I say other than I am sure all kids do the same thing. Or at least I think they would. Don’t you? Now, my question is have you ever done that because I won’t say I haven’t. Because I am only human and as a kid there is no, telling what I might have done or not done.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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