Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 19 July 2018

Greetings and welcome to Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 19 July 2018. This morning we were asked if we remember the 80’s song, Nineteen? For me, I must say I don’t so later this afternoon I plan on looking it up on Youtube as I wanted to play the music and see if it meant anything to me. Although also I would like to find out who sings the song as its nice to find Artist music I don’t recognize.

Regardless if you know it or not, I have a confession to make… Maybe you noticed. Maybe you saw it.

The past few days I haven’t been posting each day like I should have and before you ask no, I didn’t give up and just stop posting the challenge and also I didn’t mean to take a break but God and life had other plans for me. So through the weekend, you will see me posting like a madwoman to catch up because somehow some way I am finishing this challenge.

This is the start of a new day and if you have fallen down like I have, I want to let you know that you can still come back – just like I will!

Opening up and being vulnerable is a great way to get people to connect with you.

Here is the prompt for this mornings post and like it says below for us to show we make mistakes and that we can work through it which is what I am doing with the challenge.

Write about something today that shows a mistake that you made and how you worked through it.

My question for you is what mistake have you made and was you able to work through it and if so how?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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