Ultimate Blog Challenge December 2020 Day 3

Happy Saturday. How are you doing this afternoon? I am fine David is working and C is outside playing Basketball. I was able to run and pick up Christmas Gifts this morning and also put C’s Christmas/ Birthday into Law A Way.


Now, I’m sitting at the computer contemplating going to walk. My knee has been burning and that usually mean’s it will go out on me. So here I sit in front of the computer.

As I was thinking of Fall this morning and the prompt for the Ultimate Blog Challenge 2020 Day 3 they asked us what our plans for Fall is regarding our business.

Image result for funny saturday quotes

I wish I could say I was filling up my Calendar with events but that isn’t happening due to Covid-19. Instead Elle Emme and I are working on our Second Virtual Craft Fair promoting other business owners.

As well as launching this years Christmas Gift Guide. So it’s still pretty busy here when you throw in Homeschooling, trying to decide if were going to purchase our home or move.

Dealing with all the Doubles David is having to work which is now Mandatory and no, I am not complaining because I am grateful he has a job and that his hours are picking back up.

Then there is the two upcoming trips to Oklahoma I want to take. One for my brother and Aunts Birthday in October then Thanksgiving as I didn’t want him to be by himself.

Then its going to be December and Charlies Birthday. He is going to turn 13. Were did the time go? How can I have a teenager can we go backwards. Because in the blink of an eye C is going to be grown and out on his own.

Will I still be blogging only the Lord knows. Or will Charlie have taken over and brought new advertures to the site or will I have closed it and moved on. I honestly don’t know.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge December 2020 Day 3”

  1. Glenda, hi! Oh, you do have a busy time! Not only this Fall, but every Fall! Buried in your post is the concern over buying your home vs. moving. That’s HUGE! All blessings on your knee’s healing and on knowing the right decision/s to make. You have a warm heart. And you’ve touched mine.

  2. How time flies.We too have a full October filled with festivals .But this year I am focussing on being healthy and happy at home

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