Ultimate Blog Challenge January 23rd, 2023 #UBC

Happy days are here again as we move into a new week. Can you believe we have hit the middle of the month. In the blink of an eye its going to be gone. Come share something that happened to you this month that you didn’t think would happen. As for the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 23rd, 2023 #UBC. We were asked to create a Try a “Top Ten” style post it doesn’t necessarily have to be 10, just using a list format can get our brains thinking creatively sometimes.

I thought about creating a list but with both David and Charlie being home this morning. I knew I wouldn’t have time to create a list of any kind. I will try and do that though one day this week. This morning were going to be cleaning carpets. We have a lunch date with my friend Austin who is 4 today and his babysitter my best friend.

I am also so excited because finally we will be changing out all the couch cousins and were going to finish putting out my Valentines Day decorations. I can’t wait to get started. Would you like to come help us decorate our home then we could take a walk around the neighborhood. With the challenge ending I hate to admit it but I’ve not been walking each and every day.

This isn’t good for my health or the diet I am supposed to be on. As walking can and will help me lose all this extra weight I am carrying around. As well as help me control my Blood Pressure which seems to be out of wack again. Which I hate to admit but its always better to tell the truth my mom said and I am failing. It’s a good thing I didn’t make resolutions or I would get a f in follow through.

As for something I’m excited about I’ve tripled my blog income three times from January of last year. For a lot of people that wouldn’t be a big deal but to my family its huge. Especially when I’ve been able to pay my VA myself, give David money for the bills and still have spending money for Charlie and I. As well as purchase a new Coffee Table I had been wanting. Not only that we still have another 8 or 9 days in this month and we might actually make the goal Tara set for us. Which at this time last year wouldn’t have happened. All I can say is God is good and through him and Tara I am growing and will continue to grow.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge January 23rd, 2023 #UBC”

  1. I love to decorate, so I would be happy to come to your house and help you decorate for Valentine’s Day. I’ll even bring homemade cookies!
    Anyway, have fun. I have no idea of how to make money from a blog, but I’m glad that your income has tripled!!!

  2. Congratulations on achieving so much in just one year! You have worked hard to reach these goals and it is amazing that you have been able to triple your blog income, pay for your VA, bills, and still have spending money. It is inspiring to hear stories like yours; even when the odds may seem stacked against you, it’s possible to break through if you put in the effort required. I wish you continued success with both your blog and other endeavors in life!

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